hi guys

masaccia said:
saw savall live two summers ago, he's awesome, a new approach to already known (or not so known pieces)... I prefer Italian and German baroque btw :)

:-( I would love to see Savall. He RULES.

Vivaldi is annoying! Too lively & pompous.
Marais (France) for example has a "smooth sombreness"... besides I love the Viola Da Gamba ;-)
The Hubster said:
hmmm. Satyricon... I have a problem with this band, in my opinion I find them terribly commercial, same with Cradle of Filth.

I really don't get how Satyricon's "Volcano" beat Immortal's "Sons of Northern Darkness". Immortal totally own Satyricon

I can't see how you can really see Satyricon as 'commercial' The last album was more straight forward, but it was more like a blackened hybrid of metal and motorhead rather than commercial. Rebel Extravaganza is a pretty bizzare album (alot of viovod influence with a good deal of the 'post-black metal' sound) And the older stuff (nemesis divina and before) is definetly not commercial, even for extreme metal.

I've always had a problem with immortal, I really can't sit through a whole album they just seem really repetitive and dull and even the vocals are unexciting.

cradle of filth are really boring now, have been for the last few albums
I like E.S.T. a lot. have been to that concert of their 2005 Tour. And I must say they rock!

First saw them in 2003 and later discoverd that Jens F. Ryland also listens to those tunes...

cheers folks!