Hello , im new to this forum and thought i would introduce myself with one of my playings , im a huge symphony x fan and a guitar player so here is my take at the intro of smoke and mirrors S&M Intro
thanks guy, i've been playing for a year and a half now,i got tons of stuff to record but i really hate my tone when recording and many complain about it hehe, if u go to www.guitar.com/artists/koji there are some other stuff there but most are abit old and not that great but feel free to check it all out
Being able to sweep after playing for a year and a half is unreal. I've been playing 7 years, and it took me about a year of practice to be able to play that intro correctly.
thanks again for all the encouraging comment! but i know there are tons of other guitarist who can kill me in a sec, anyone else here wants to post his version of Syx covers?
I don't know how many guitarists who have only been playing for a year and a half can kill you. How many hours a day you put into practicing? Yngvai X can play a lot of Romeo's solos and he has tabbed out a bunch of them. You can listen to some of his stuff that he wrote, but he hasn't actually posted any of his SyX covers.
practicing about 2 hours a day but not straight, just segments focused on a specific thing each time,plus most of the time im on my pc the guitar is in my hand.
i think i know yngvai from pettruci's forum, he posted for me his sea of lies middle solo cover, i wish he post more covers
Hey, welcome aboard, X'er!! I liked your intro, indeed, besides it's not that clean, maybe it's just the distortion, compression, strings, picks, but I fight everyday with myself to play that sh*t!! Heheheheh!!