Hi-hat issue


New Metal Member
Oct 1, 2008
Hey I'm using a bunch of Joey's samples (Sturgis snare, B&G kick, shoulder city toms and emerald cymbals) and everything works fine when I'm playing on my Roland TD-4S V-drums except the hi-hat is reversed. i.e. when I play the cymbal open it's closed and when I hold down the pedal it's open.

I kept trying to change it in the midi note editor in the drum module attached to the kit but it just won't reverse them. I have the full version of Kontakt 5 -- is there anyway I can swap it in there?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should most definitely be able to change which midi note signals are being sent to the VST.

There's no need to change them internally in the VST / KONTAKT player.

If you're using a computer for routing at all, you can just bus the input of the hi hat midi to output a different note through the use of midi note filters.