Help needed: Logic midi editing closed vs open hi hat

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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Hey guys I recently had a kid come in and record some electronic drums. A little sloppy but nothing some quantizing can't fix :fu:

Anyways there is a part where he accidentally had a closed hi-hat hit where there was supposed to be an open hit. I'm not sure where to access controllers in piano roll (or if it's even possible). Copy pasting doesn't seem to do the trick as my open hi-hat hits get turned to closed hi-hat hits.
I can see in the midi region that there is a little vertical white line which I assume represents the pedal but how do I access it to edit it?
Hi There

You can use the page list editor (Top right under lists) to manually remove continuous controller data, just select the region, scroll down the list and delete. Check out the hyper editor and make your own hyper sets for drum maps (Just delete the rows you dont need), makes it so much easier to see and switch between notes and controller data. Hope it helps
Thanks I was able to delete the controller event and switch my mistaken closed hi-hat to an open one.
I'm not sure what you mean with the hyper editor but I take it I just need to do some more reading to figure it out.
What if I needed to change an open to hi-hat to closed though? Seems like there should be an easier way but perhaps not.
Depending on how your samples are arranged, moving them up or down one note should change it from open to closed samples.

When you double click the midi region the piano roll (cmd+6) will come up. Allows detailed editing of midi in conjunction with the list editor ('b', I think).
Glad it helped man. I'm teaching during the day but will try to make a video to upload to the forum, cant give my word on it though.