I am a regular Heathen with 99.1% Scandinavian genetics and 0.9 Finnish genetics Pure Viking Blood flows through my veins as my bloodline goes far back in time even beyond The Bronze Age as www.mytrueancestry.com told me, fated man with the purpose of life to be freed from the enslaved mentality which we all live in here on Earth or can I say Middle-Earth because this is the same place as The Elder Scroll's games which sounds realistic like a historical event that happened and that there was a Dragonborn and in some kind of way they recreated the Heathenry sky in Skyrim with Sovngarde which sounds like a Slavic name for Valhalla. Then you have The Age of Hyboria with Conan The Barbarian a Cimmerian Warrior who slayed all that stood in his way, The History of Middle-Earth Complete into 12 books can now be bought which explains the whole Creation of The Universal Cosmological World Tree Yggdrasil.
I am fully aware that the history that Tolkien has written is not a fictional, fictive, or figurative form of literature but rather a fantasy tale told by the storyteller himself who has lived throughout all of Middle-Earth's history and authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien and his son Christopher Tolkien has made it possible for the world to recognize life as it were before Christianity took over the control of our Europe and The USA.
His context into our Universal moments of joy and happiness to truly see how beautiful nature becomes when it flourishes with Heathenry fated and willed people as The Gods and Goddesses shall appear for us humans because there has gone one thousand years of oppression with nothing but the enslavement of the mental parts of my brain for denying The Will of Yahweh being commanded by The Ten Commandments of God suffering because I will have many Gods and Goddesses before you Yahweh.
The Sumerian Mythology of Yahweh, The Babylonian God Jehovah, Christianity's Jesus Christ, Catholicism's Yeshua, Hebrewism's of Yahweh, and Judaism's Yahweh.
The Churches, The Monasteries, The Holy Cross, and The Holy Bible must be removed from the surface of Middle-Earth and every spell and curse sat upon mankind will be destructed as the existence of his holy scriptures and here on Earth because these forces make Middle-Earth itself suffer, some humans may feel mental illness in their brains but it is nothing wrong just pain that Jesus Christ delivers throughout his way of punishment upon someone who disobeys his Ten Commandments as they are of a God I will say not The God, only the right to be judgemental of Yahweh as he is punishing you for your sins so you shall be ashamed.
The Greek God Prometheus whose Roman name is Lucifer was a servant of God in his heavenly glory and the leader of his Angelical Order of Angels as their Commander from The Highest right below Yahweh, one time Lucifer saw upon himself in the reflection of the waterfall right before him and Yahweh told him that you shall not see yourself above me that is not even possible in my heavenly realm out of jealousy and envy conducted by Lucifer (Prometheus) as now he was sentenced by his False Pride to reign in hell for eternity and change his Angelic shape into the shape of a dragon and send him to hell, of Lord he fell from the heaven right down into hell where he found out that was a more heavenly place than the heaven of Yahweh.
Paradise Lost is a fine book to read about your so-called fairy tales told by author John Milton the book itself is from 1667, and foremost the way he writes history and ends up in disaster and unpleasant moments for all of us the way Yahweh speaks so highly of himself I call it inferiority complexes that he has about himself but will never admit.
We must call upon The Gods and Goddesses and they have been calling for some time now as I can sense it in every way possible Earth, this Middle-Earth going back to Heathenry's ways of life and death, and of course, After-Life but yet in a modernized society with well-kept cultural heritage that never fades away....It goes on and on and on Heaven and Hell.
Armageddon is the answer to Yahweh's ways of punishment upon mankind.
Amon Amarth - Thousand Years of Oppression
Amon Amarth - Slaves of Fear
Manowar - Heaven and Hell
Manowar - Kingdom Come
Manowar - The Kingdom of Steel
The Creation of Eru Iluvatar
Tolkien's Legendarium
Lewis and Tolkien Debate Myths and Lies
I hope you enjoyed it, Bearulv.
I am fully aware that the history that Tolkien has written is not a fictional, fictive, or figurative form of literature but rather a fantasy tale told by the storyteller himself who has lived throughout all of Middle-Earth's history and authors such as J.R.R. Tolkien and his son Christopher Tolkien has made it possible for the world to recognize life as it were before Christianity took over the control of our Europe and The USA.
His context into our Universal moments of joy and happiness to truly see how beautiful nature becomes when it flourishes with Heathenry fated and willed people as The Gods and Goddesses shall appear for us humans because there has gone one thousand years of oppression with nothing but the enslavement of the mental parts of my brain for denying The Will of Yahweh being commanded by The Ten Commandments of God suffering because I will have many Gods and Goddesses before you Yahweh.
The Sumerian Mythology of Yahweh, The Babylonian God Jehovah, Christianity's Jesus Christ, Catholicism's Yeshua, Hebrewism's of Yahweh, and Judaism's Yahweh.
The Churches, The Monasteries, The Holy Cross, and The Holy Bible must be removed from the surface of Middle-Earth and every spell and curse sat upon mankind will be destructed as the existence of his holy scriptures and here on Earth because these forces make Middle-Earth itself suffer, some humans may feel mental illness in their brains but it is nothing wrong just pain that Jesus Christ delivers throughout his way of punishment upon someone who disobeys his Ten Commandments as they are of a God I will say not The God, only the right to be judgemental of Yahweh as he is punishing you for your sins so you shall be ashamed.
The Greek God Prometheus whose Roman name is Lucifer was a servant of God in his heavenly glory and the leader of his Angelical Order of Angels as their Commander from The Highest right below Yahweh, one time Lucifer saw upon himself in the reflection of the waterfall right before him and Yahweh told him that you shall not see yourself above me that is not even possible in my heavenly realm out of jealousy and envy conducted by Lucifer (Prometheus) as now he was sentenced by his False Pride to reign in hell for eternity and change his Angelic shape into the shape of a dragon and send him to hell, of Lord he fell from the heaven right down into hell where he found out that was a more heavenly place than the heaven of Yahweh.
Paradise Lost is a fine book to read about your so-called fairy tales told by author John Milton the book itself is from 1667, and foremost the way he writes history and ends up in disaster and unpleasant moments for all of us the way Yahweh speaks so highly of himself I call it inferiority complexes that he has about himself but will never admit.
We must call upon The Gods and Goddesses and they have been calling for some time now as I can sense it in every way possible Earth, this Middle-Earth going back to Heathenry's ways of life and death, and of course, After-Life but yet in a modernized society with well-kept cultural heritage that never fades away....It goes on and on and on Heaven and Hell.
Armageddon is the answer to Yahweh's ways of punishment upon mankind.
Amon Amarth - Thousand Years of Oppression
Amon Amarth - Slaves of Fear
Manowar - Heaven and Hell
Manowar - Kingdom Come
Manowar - The Kingdom of Steel
The Creation of Eru Iluvatar
Tolkien's Legendarium

Tolkien's legendarium - Wikipedia
Lewis and Tolkien Debate Myths and Lies
I hope you enjoyed it, Bearulv.