Hi i'm new here


\m/ (*_-) \m/
Jul 29, 2001
Hey everyone...

i just discovered opeth couple of days ago, while looking for new bands on the internet...

i heard only 4 songs and it's sounds very good...

doesn't have any of their albums yet...
i hope they sell it here in israel...
Freaks? What freaks?!
I'll have you know my jello is purple! IT IS! You and your articulated mineral soda got nuthin! Ya hear me? Nuthin! You're insinuation that there are freaks present is an abomination to the Magical Cheese Wedge, you know that?

Free the sponges!
Hey! Welcome to the wonderful world of Opeth!

I'd like to ask which songs you've heard? Which album were they off of? You'll love their music. A lot of people are pleasantly surprised. I was! I've been listening to them for a year and half...SOLID. I know, I'm a spazz, but you can really get hooked on this stuff!

But, anyways...Hoser, are you scaring people again? :p

i heard
reqiuem, credence, blackwater park and twilight is my nightrobe (that's my favourite so far)
Originally posted by Itay i heard reqiuem, credence, blackwater park and twilight is my nightrobe (that's my favourite so far)
The Twilight Is My Robe is a favorite of mine. I really like the beginning, then it slows down for the first lyrics. "Unto you I whisper, the wildest dreams. In the coldness of night." ...and the scream and the guitars that follow that. He's screaming his gutts out! Yeah, get Orchid! :)

my first thread
Dude, haven't you been around here for ages??? I mean, you haven't been on for a while I don't think,. but you were here a long time a go, were you not?? And under a different avatar (some kind of smily face...?)