Hi, I'm new.

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Hello boys and girls. I'm new to this forum. A little about myself: I'm male, 20, I live in the USA on the east coast. I love Devin Townsend, he's my favorite musician by far. Other bands I like are In Flames, Arch Enemy, Opeth, Vintersorg, Porcupine tree, Arcturus, Emperor, etc etc... I enjoy sports, and reading. I run 5 miles a day and am on the Subway diet :D Now for the question you knew was coming...what Anathama album is good for newbies? I dont know if every album sounds the same, but I hear they're very depressing and melancholy which is great. So basically...which album is a good start? Alternative 4?
you'll probably be recomended every album Anathema has made through their 10 odd years with that statement (including the next one:p ). I, for one, think that Eternity is the greatest thing any man can have in his home (this opinion has included the thought of TV, stove, digital watches, and the stereo). Though by the look of all the other bands you like,you'll probably go for the older one(s); The Silent Enigma. You might even be one of the few (me among them) to think that Darran has a darn good voice :)
Yeah. Everyone knows the best Anathema album is the next one! And the artwork on A Fine Day To Exit is the best theyve ever done. And why do they do music?
"For money?
For fame?
NO, for life:lol: :puke:
its ok. (bangs on chest) aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!! its for the lithuania........mephorphee..........lithuania??? BETTER THAN ENGLAND!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Strangelight

Well, thats the first 'emotional intellectual' album.
Amazing songtitles:eek:
(help me....) :lol: :lol: