hi - need your help guys


Jul 14, 2005
Athens, Greece
well, im getting a guitar soon and am a bit confused on what to get
passives or actives???

i did my search on the forum but i couldnt find a clear answer
i know it depends on personal taste and on a thread Andy mentioned that passives work better with marshals and actives with boogies
...i now play with a peavey EVH wolfgang and i like that dull heavy sound

how annoying is the battery issue with actives? is there a tone change when battery is dying?

btw i have my fixed on that Hellraiser C1 FR for quite a while now :rock:
how annoying is the battery issue with actives? is there a tone change when battery is dying?

To me it really isn't annoying at all. You can clearly hear the difference in your tone when the battery is dying, and one good 9V battery lasts pretty long if you remember to remove the plug from the axe when you stop playing. It's not like you'd have to be changing the battery every time you start playing :)
I'm passive all the way - I went from a Dimarzio Tone Zone to a Seymour Duncan Distorton to a Bill-n-Becky Lawrence L-500L. Something about a battery in my axe I don't like. Plus, the guitars I've played with EMGs sound kinda stale to me. Less organic.

I'm so happy with the Lawrence in my main axe, I stopped my search long ago. I still keep the Duncan Distortions in my other non-main axes though.

I learned it's nice to have different p/ups in different guitars. I don't like having 3 guitars with the same Duncan. I'm not going to switch them out, but I wish I would have mixed it up.

Just be sure to go with a good company: EMG, duncan, lawrence, bare knuckle, dimarzio, etc.