Hi! New and question....


New Metal Member
Jan 12, 2006
Hi I'm new here.
I was browsing around last for certain topics and found this place.

I could use your help on something. Some of us from another forum are doing an experiment and we could use honest answers.
I would appreciate any responses that you can give me. Please note that no IDs or names will be included on your responses that will be included in a summary of your responses. We would like your comments - positive, negative or neutral.

The question is:

What do you think of Jehovah's Witnesses?

I want to thank you for any responses you can provide.

There is a specific reason why I am posting this here and Not in the philosophy area.
Any questions for me and I'll answer best I can.

Welcome to the forum, Blackswan. My thing with Jehovah Witnesses is this: I got no problem with them. I used to work with some guys who followed that religion. They didn't push me to check it out and I didn't give them crap about it either. That is their thing and if they are happy, than so be it. I don't really care what people do with their own time, just leave me alone to do my own thing. Your beliefs are yours and my beliefs are my own. Simple as that!