hi-res band photo needed for Chinese Metal Mag


das verlorene Reiskorn
Jun 14, 2005
Hai there,

this is Yang from China's biggest Metal Magazine called Painkiller Mag.

we did a Testament Interview with Eric Peterson in Germany few weeks ago.

Now we would like to use it as the next Titlestory, but it seems that no one have an official reunion band photo for our Mag Cover.

Hope you can help us out.

more about us> http://www.painkillermag.com
Printed, Fullcolor, 20.000 Copies each Issue, 6 issues per year, whole China distribution, written in Chinese...

take care.

Yang Yu
Painkiller Mag China

Hai Eus,

thank you so much for your offer, but I can't get into your page. You know damn chinese online services have a lot of ip restricts. I dont know I can view your pages but that is the way it is.

The thing is, we need a foto of the line up to put on our cover, so the photo must be something special and qualified enough for a frontcover. We would be very thank full if we can use one of your photos. Can you pick some good ones for us and send them to yang@painkillermag.com in low-res first? If we decided to use them, I will ask for hi-res. Is that ok?

thank you...

Yang Yu
Hai Emus,

thank you for your fotos, I forwarded them to our chefeditor and artistic designer. They will deciede what to do. If we use your fotos, I will contact you again. Thank you somuch.

Hai HiPriestOfEvil,

I already tried to contact them but they didnt answer yet...

take care.
