HI to all the orphans


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
I'm new in here.
I'm Ilan from the holy land
22 y/o
naturally stoned
and those of you who post in the israeli forum probably know me, so it's about time I joined this forum too.
Welcome in paradoxile. :wave: It's nice that you've joined the OL official forum too. Hope we'll see you often in here too. Tell others also from the hebrew OL forum to join the official OL too. It would be really nice!!! :headbang: :)
thanks guys

and Avi...I saw you at the last Tel aviv show but I didn't know it was you
so anyway i'll see you this thursday (רחבת הקופים?) :wave:
paradoxile said:
The True metal floor at the alternative...where URI usually DJ's.

the monkey floor at the Alternative is so not the true metal floor!!!
true metal floor is where they play metal... not nu metal.

the monkey floor is where they play nu-metal, and unfortunetly Uri is there instead of in the true metal floor, because when he was in the metal floor at the OL special it was one of the best nights there!
thanks for clearing that up sacrilege,
I always thought the monkey floor was the true metal floor.
As far as I remember Uri used to DJ in the true metal floor not only at the OL special,which I missed by the way.
that only shows how often do I go to the alternative.
besides ,when I'm there I usually travel between the true metal and the alternative floor.
If Uri Dj's now at the nu-metal floor then it is trully a shame