hi ! xD!


New Metal Member
Mar 28, 2006
hi ! xD!
i'm from chile ! JoJo!
Long Live to METAL!!!!
and good band! cool ! xD
mmmmm nothing to say...!

-iron maiden
-dream theater
-blind guardian
-hammer fall
-deep purple
-judas priest
-sonata arctica
-children of bodom
-my dying bride
-white sanke
- and SHADOW DEMON of corse!!

HI!! and thx for the post!
how i can post smiles??? :S xD
james have one more year??? happy brithday!
and i'm the first fan in chile !!!!! yupiiii xD jajaja
cool xD

emmmmmm bye xD
good band !
and later come to chile!!!!!!!!! ;)


helloween comes to CHILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in 3 days !! |,,| (*_*) |,,|

LONG LIVE TO METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you reply by hitting the
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To add an avatar/picture under your name, click on the "User CP" link (near the top of the page), then click on "Edit Avatar". Then scroll down to where it says "Upload an Avatar From Your Computer:" and click on the "browse" button. This will open a window to seach for a picture on your computer. The picture can NOT be any bigger than mine, which is 100 x 100 pixels. It also can not be any larger than 6.8 KB.

To insert a picture on your post, after you have clicked on the "post reply" button, the easiest way is to click on the button that looks like this:
and paste the URL (web address) of the picture you want to post. So, the picture must already be on the internet in order to work.

Hope that helps. Feel free to practice in this thread. :D
