[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Groovski is a band made up of Polish-Americans and their sound is neither European nor American but something
new and unique. The genius of the band is Rafal Radziejowski, who writes all the songs, and has named
the band after himself, because he grooves and he skis. R- Radziejowski has recruited a few brainless, uncreative,
stupid, ugly musicians, who can barely play. However, they are the only ones who will listen to him and do
exactly what he says. Radziejowski doesn't let anyone in the band write their own material, or play their own style.
He dictates everything that they all do. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In fact, Rafal Radziejowski doesn't even bother playing in the band anymore. He lets the polish guys
and some chick play, and he rarely goes to the shows. As Radziejowski put it, I hate playing concerts
for stupid idiots in the audience, and the three Groovski musicians are wanna-be rock stars, and they
therefore like to play concerts and make themselves think they are the next Bay City Rollers.
So I let them play the shows. I sit in bed all day like my idol: Brian Wilson. I am currently working
on getting very fat and trying not at all to leave my bed for any reason whatsoever. I wear diapers
so I dont have to get up to go to the bathroom. When people speak to me, I talk in an artsy-fartsy
roundabout quasi-poetic way, in order to make them think I am always in the creative genius element.
People ask me how come I don't play with Groovski anymore. Most people think I am now devoting
my full attention to creating a new kind of music, and don't have the time to playing songs in concert.
The truth is that I would play if they could fit the bed on the stage.
Most places can't even get the bed in the door, and never mind on stage." [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Other members of the band are: Bogdan Chudy who is the drummer and would rather be playing
monopoly by himself, and he enjoys making fun of little children. He drives around all day in his car
and when he sees some little kids playing, he drives next to them, rolls down his window and yells "Hey Kid!
Gimme that Bike! That's My Bike!!" Leslie Blatteau, a playwright, is one of the guitarists and in her spare
time she sleeps. Adam Malec is the singer bass player who likes to say things to the audience. Sometimes
he says "are you ready to rock, New Jersey?" Unfortunately he says this even when they are not playing
in New Jersey. As a matter of fact, he even says this walking down the street on his way to the store.
Tim Borkowski is the other guitarist who is often seen at super markets around New Jersey. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Radziejowski[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] diverted rumors of a Groovski reunion with him joining the other members on stage for a concert.
"I am working on hooking up a guitar amplifier into the bed. This way I don't have to get up to plug the guitar in.
Until this new unit is constructed, I have no plans on rejoining Groovski."[/font]