"Hidden" song?

I can't wait for the next fan club CD. I wonder if anyone knows what's on it yet?

I only know some of what'll be going on it; waiting to get the rest from MJR, who was going to try to get it sent out to me before they left for Europe this week. If I don't have it by the end of the week, it'll have to wait 'til they return..
Fan Club CD '08: "Paradise FUNK'd"

1. Papa's Got a Brand New Bag (Mike Lepond lead vocals)
2. Jungle Boogie (extended keyboard solo)
3. George Clinton Instrumental Suite
4. My Girl (acapella/choir version)
5. Ain't No Sunshine (Jason Rullo lead vocals/drum solo)
6. Celebration (played entirely with the "Domination" bridge chord)

Oddly enough, Russell seems to missing from this, the band's most soulful outing to date.

For those missing the humor angle of this post, this is NOT the track listing of any SymX cd, fan club or otherwise.
You'd be surprised at what nuances can be lost here, especially with folks for whom English is not their first language & who may not speak it/understand it all that well. That's why I shitcan April Fool's Day posts..I've spent far too many hours placating fans who just don't get it.
Haha every forum gets wierd around April fools. It's coming around here in just a few months.. Hmm..
Hey, has anyone heard that SX is going to be splitting up by the end of the year??:heh:

I better clarify now. JOKING.
HAH! Sorry if anybody thought that was real. That track list is definitely NOT on the new fanclub CD (unless I am a psychic/Jax is pulling a fast one/SX has completely lost their minds).

HOWEVER, it'll probably be about two years or so before the track list I posted will be available in a double-disc set with the re-mastered "Into the Blizzard" EP. :goggly: