High CD prices, and excuses by Record industries for them.


Coolest Opeth Fan
Jul 17, 2001
Recently the RIAA issued a report explaining why CD prices are so high. The report was heavily biased towards the prices, being that the RIAA is just a tool, disguised as something else. I am sure many of you have noticed the prices of many cds rocketing towards 20 bucks each in some cases. While you can still find decent prices if you shop around, for the most part you are paying much higher prices then inflation alone can explain.

One of the arguments that the RIAA makes is that while the actual physical cost of making a cd might be less then a dollar, the many costs that go into that process is what makes it so high. They talk about the cost of the studios, paying the artist, mixing and so forth....and the report acts as if they are not even making money at 20 bucks a cd. Their argument takes some truth, but stretches it greatly in my mind. While I understand the cost that go into making a CD, the biggest problem with their argument is the vast differences between the price of CDs and Tapes. If you are making a large number of albums, the actual physical cost of the cassette is higher then the cost of the CD. So if their argument is that most of the cost you are paying for your music is in production, why then do tapes sometimes cost half as much as a CD? While a small band who makes maybe 1000 albums might find tapes to be cheaper then CDs by a small amount, when you are making 10,000 or more, the CDs are cheaper to make.

If the record industries are making profits on tape sales in the 10-13 buck range, then they can do that with CDs as well.
ohwell i dotn give a shit... when i have enough money i buy the cds and when i have no money i download them... thats how it is... and when everyone has cable modems in the next 2 years and 56k is obselete.... they'll all be downloading like crazy and the record companies will lower the prices
Man I hate that, I can't go to my local cd store. Last thing I bought over there was Nevermore-"Dead Heart in a Dead World" and it costed me $19. That is just sad, I will only buy over the net now.
Well, you can join clubs like www.cdhq.com and get 12 cds for the price of 1..then quit, and join again...but as many of you know, their selection is not the greatest when it comes to good music.

becasue of this board, I found theendrecords.com, and can now pick up great albums for 10 or so bucks shipped, but their selection is also small.

Still, my wife is into more popular music, and she will pick up a cd when she is in a store, and I go crazy when I see what it cost..

"honey, I could have picked that up cheaper online"

"oh, but I do not want to wait that long"

Yeah lol a friend of mine is that way, they will go to the store and buy a record for close to $20 that I could of got for $10. "But I have no patience and wanted it now" man that bugs me!
A metal cd costs me between $24-$35 CAD. If I buy online, it can cost less, but shipping usually drives it up. I pay that much because I find Cds to be a lot better sounding than mp3s, and I enjoy supporting the artists when I can. It's worth my hard-earned cash for an Opeth album. I'm going to have to buy 2nd copies of MAYH and Still Life.. and Morningrise. They're starting to skip.

Duvall, have you tried a good CD-cleaner? There are some that will get rid of small scratches..
Originally posted by foxdvd
becasue of this board, I found theendrecords.com, and can now pick up great albums for 10 or so bucks shipped, but their selection is also small.

Another good one, IMO, is Dark Symphonies (www.darksymphonies.com). Their prices are roughly as good as The End, they ship free to anywhere in the US, and they are fast. The only thing I'd complain about is their variety. They apparently have a bias towards certain genres (gothic metal, doom metal, black metal, and neoclassical/dark ambient). So, don't go there expecting to find the new Pain of Salvation CD or whatever.
Yeah, the "why do CDs cost more than tapes" question is one I've brought up several times on forums and stuff in the past.

The reason - because we are getting ripped off... bad.

I order online, but I"m still usually paying around $13 per CD. I refuse to buy CDs locally anymore... they're like $18 or more for most of them, and that's just ridiculous.
Elisstar....thanks for the link. I will check them out. They seem to be close to theendrecords in price, but have some stuff they do not..so that is cool.
It's very rare for me to buy cd's anymore.
1. The prices here in the big cities such as Orlando and Tampa have jumped up to $21 plus tax for a single cd, an I refuse to pay that unless you're one of the few bands I support financially.

2. "Mom and Pa" stores are going out of business monthly it seems. A local artist recently got screwed out of $8,000 in sales because a store went Bankrupt and refused to pay up. I can't imagine what that would be like for a strugling artist which is depending on every sale he can get.

3. I don't use my credit cards online, sorry won't do it.

4. When I do go to the corporate mall chain stores i am instantly and constantly followed by gum smacking clerks throwing their store mandatory pop music sales pitches at me. " Have you heard the new Slipknot? " " Have you bought the new Staind cd? "

This is why I worship my CD-RW and my Cable line.

As for prices, they are that high because they know you'll pay for them. The main music demographic is teenagers 14-21, they have large sums of expendable cash and WILL spend it on ANYTHING. Until kids change, neither will business.