Opeth...cd prices: I'm worried!

Rosa Negra Imortal

love never dies
Jun 13, 2002
Jardim da Saudade
Visit site
I'm really worried about the upcoming albuns....I'm almost sure that they will be good stuff , but the problem is the price...two cds for me it's expensive...you know why?
Maybe where you live you have to pay around $15 for a cd...here in Brazil one cd is about $35 or more:eek: ...so, think about two cds:mad: ? I'm fucked cause I'll buy the two anyway:p .
In our country the cds cost the same.
The new Opeth albums arent going to be released as one Double cd. They will be 2 seperate discs. Buy whatever you like. Im definately getting both of them.
Germany has really cheap CDs, even in stores when I was there they were still using DM, but were about 25 DM on average (about 12 american dollars).
I will probably just order from the end and get both for about 25 hopefully. Maybe you can have someone order them here in America, and have them mail them to you?
You could just order them from The End records or something. Whenever I order stuff from there it usually still comes out cheaper than just buying it in a local store here (and I live in Europe).

I doubt that ordering those 2 CDs + taxes (If they even make you pay those, which I doubt, usually they only do that for large/expensive things) would be more expensive than paying for 2 $35 CDs.
I'll be ordering them from the first good site that has them available since Europe will likely get them a month early or something. Whatever the price, I'll pay.
*finds the handy calculator*
last time i checked (which was 2-3 months ago) cds in Iceland cost around 30$ which.. hmm, funny, the Euro and the US Dollar have nearly the same currency value thingie.. anyway, around 30$ or 30€.
and that is if the cds will be sold in the Icelandic stores..

can anyone tell me if there's an official date of release?
Releasing the two cd's seperately?? Nice work opeth, make your record company even more money at the expense of your fans :rolleyes:

I will be cautious about these albums, i will download them first, and then set out to buy them at a later and CHEAPER stage, that is IF they are worth it. If this is blackwater park II, and a whole album full of Benighted pt. II, then i am sure that i could spend my money more wisely elsewhere...

You winge and moan about cd prices etcetera, but that is because you don't look around enough.

I just picked up over ten vinyls for TEN AU$ each, with the exception of one VERY RARE sanctuary record, of which i am paying $20 for. I have waited years for these records and cds, and i myself used to whinge about the unavailability and the expensiveness of music UNTILL i started to find the right places, and the right people to talk to. It's not like you can walk into the nearest SANITY music store, and pick up a megadeth vinyl for $20, in fact, you couldn't do that even if you tried, vinyl isn't even sold here basically... that is, not on the shelves, with the exception of probably five or six stores in ALL of australia.

Online ordering, the BEST invention in the world :grin:

[/Old man bitching]
stop whining guys. we, the turkish are the most miserable of all...unless an argentinian comes along...

the CDs are around 15 dollars here, too, but as the turkish lira is in a very bad condition, the whole price turns out very high.
CDs are expensive here too (the BWP re-release is $50 NZ, that's about $27 US), but hey, that's the price of having obscure taste in music :grin:
I spend too much on Cds as it is, so 2 more are not going to be a problem.