How much do you pay for your Opeth CDs?

usually $30 AUS... which would be what, $20-$23US? i dont know... havent looked at the exchange rate recently. i dont mind the price, its just the availability i get shitty with. i live in the country so theres no metal shops for 150km:@
judas69 said:
I have a question. What % of songs do you just download without purchasing the album, as opposed to buying?

I remember there was this arguement by the music industry that assumed people wouldn't buy cd's anymore and well, this at least doesn't appear to be the case with Opeth! :D

I personally hate buying CD's .. I however buy DVD's all the time.

I prefer to buy albums of bands I really like... plus now since starting this I have a stupid collecting habit so if I have one album I need to complete the discography... it's gonne drive me into the ground if i start listening to Black Sabbath again...
Yeah I can honestly say I have never downloaded a song. I like to support the bands that mean something to me. I typically pay anywhere from 10-$25 per c.d.
judas69 said:
I have a question. What % of songs do you just download without purchasing the album, as opposed to buying?

I remember there was this arguement by the music industry that assumed people wouldn't buy cd's anymore and well, this at least doesn't appear to be the case with Opeth! :D

I personally hate buying CD's .. I however buy DVD's all the time.
some fan you are :erk:

I paid $10-$18 for my Opeth albums.
Least I ever paid for a full-length CD by any band: $3
Most I ever paid for a non-double album, non-import: $21
Most paid ever on any album: $35
No album is priced over 20, unless it's some type of a special edition, or it has something else to offer. DVD...what have you ....

The older albums, they where under 16, I believe, just around 16. The newer material was around 18. I bought the limited edition of BWP for about 20.

Not bad, they where all worth it. :) Every freaking penny. Opeth is out of this world.
Zephyrus said:
Still Life - used digi-pack, 20 bucks
You got raped. I got the digipack new for 11 bucks.

Amazon is your friend. Damnation was my first album and I paid 19 bucks for that *shudder* but that's behind me now. Since then I haven't paid more than 12 for one.

The only exception would be if I was at a gig and bought them at the merch stand, but I've never managed to make it to an Opeth gig unfortunately :(
I paid between $15 and $22 CAD for all of 'em, only exceptions being MAYH (european original) for $26 CAD at CD Plus, and Orchid for £14.95 (about $36CAD at the time) in HMV in Belfast.
I paid £18 for Damnation, £18 for Deliverance, £18 For Orchid, £18 For Morningrise.

I got stung, but I didnt care at the time cos I just wanted the fucking disks so bad and nowhere else in the city had them.

thats like 30 US dollars each i think :(
Virgin, HMV, or other? I refuse to buy from either now. They really can be a rip off if you're buying anything that isn't in the charts (though to be fair, they're not too bad when it comes to January sales. I bought Bruce Dickinson's Scream for me Brazil for £2.99)
Whoa, that's a lot of ducketts man. Check out Laser's Edge run by a very knowledgable guy Ken Golden. I got BWP limited edition for 16. I think I saw Lamentations DVD for 9. Still life I payed 11. You got to look around man. If your looking for any Camel stay away from Amazon. They will RIP you.Example: they wanted 21.99 for "Mirage" remastered. I looked and found it for 11, from a third party seller--same remaster. You work hard for your money. Be a little more diligent.Peace.
I lived in Canada when I bought mine -

Orchid - $15 (second hand, local record shop)
Blackwater Park - $21 (new, HMV)
Deliverance - $20 (new, local record shop)

and get this: My Arms, Your Hearse, the rare edition without the name on the cover with the Opeth sticker still perfectly intact, for $9 at the local record shop. Hahaha, suckers!
ironbeard said:
Whoa, that's a lot of ducketts man. Check out Laser's Edge run by a very knowledgable guy Ken Golden. I got BWP limited edition for 16. I think I saw Lamentations DVD for 9. Still life I payed 11. You got to look around man.

Amazon is totally not a friend of mine. HMV, Virgin, Tower, or the horrid megastores.

Lasercd is definitely the way to go... or other online distributors that aren't out to murder you.
About $20-$30 Aus dollars.
I generally download one or 2 songs from an album, and if i like those song enough i go buy the album. Lately i've been downloading the full album via torrents and then buying the album if i think its worth it. More times than not i end up buying the CD.
Kenneth R. said:

Amazon is totally not a friend of mine. HMV, Virgin, Tower, or the horrid megastores.

Lasercd is definitely the way to go... or other online distributors that aren't out to murder you.

Laser c.d. huh, thats good to know. I 'm gonna have to check that out man.
I hope it's available in the U.S.
in NZD....

Orchid: $30
Morningrise: $25
MAYH: $30
Still Life (first pressing): $15
Blackwater Park (Deluxe): $40
Deliverance: $42
Damnation: $35
Ghost Reveries: $30
Wow you guys are not paying too much for your cds... Opeths older stuff (Orchid, MAYH, Morningrise etc) costs about 25-30$ over here in Canada. Everything else is about 15-20$.