How much copies did Opeth sold?


Aug 31, 2006
Does anyone know how much copies Opeth sold with every album??

I am just a bit curious to find out this "economic" aspect of the band...i searched the web but i didn't find so much info about this, maybe you guys of the community can help me out. The only info i found was on an italian website: it says that Ghost Reveries has sold 175.000 copies. (not bad, maybe Watershed sold more) I wonder how much sold Orchid or Blackwater park! ^^

I think it has already been discussed in the past and nobody had any accurate answer.

Probably, but i searched the forum and there were no topics about that. Anyway, i think is pretty difficoult to find out because these "numbers" are known only if they are big, sometimes (like for movies) the number of copy sold is shown on wikipedia... Maybe Ghost Reveris was a best seller for Opeth and so it came out proudly on the magazines that it sold 175.000 copies :)

I found another info about Watershed this time, but it's rough:

"the album sold 49.000 copies in the first week" i found this on italian wikipedia.

Lol why only italians have this infos? :lol:
IIRC, a thread in the past estimated around 800-900 thousand albums sold.

so that "about 2-3 million" was a random number? :|

I think they started to make plenty of money with (and after) damnation, cause you know.... they obtained a large audience since it was not metal like the other albums. Indeed i'm pretty shure they sold more on Damnation than Deliverance or Blackwater park.

It would be awesome to check out a website that has a database of all the sales in the history of music! But i didn't found anything for now, just a top 20 on wikipedia about the best sellers...backstreet boys are like on 10 position...holy shit what a cruel world. -.-
its really hard to gauge how many albums metal bands have sold, theres so many horribly inaccurate estimates and bad lists etc. etc. its really a shame there should be a site that has accurate numbers for like every band haha
i think there is one but it doesnt count all of them or something i dont remember
so that "about 2-3 million" was a random number? :|

I think they started to make plenty of money with (and after) damnation, cause you know.... they obtained a large audience since it was not metal like the other albums. Indeed i'm pretty shure they sold more on Damnation than Deliverance or Blackwater park.

1. The "2-3" thing is a not-so-old joke we made on the forum that got some of us banned for 2-3 weeks. To summarize, whenever someone ask for an amount of time, or merely any type of quantities, you need to reply "2-3 something".

2. Mikael mentionned in a recent interview that they didn't make that much money out of the sellings.
1. The "2-3" thing is a not-so-old joke we made on the forum that got some of us banned for 2-3 weeks. To summarize, whenever someone ask for an amount of time, or merely any type of quantities, you need to reply "2-3 something".

mmh ook?

2. Mikael mentionned in a recent interview that they didn't make that much money out of the sellings.

OK, at least Akerfeldt also said that after deliverance and damnation they started to live as musicians...and probably this is not because of the cds sold but for many live events where we all supported the band :)... anyway, after joining Peaceville / Rodrunner they released a special edition of almost every album, a live cd and then months later a dvd of the same i think they are not bums right now :)
Indeed they are not bums anymore, but they cannot suddenly stop working, stop making music, because they wouldn't subsist for long. I mean, they are far from being rich unlike what many people think. We're used to that image with the celebrities.
Indeed they are not bums anymore, but they cannot suddenly stop working, stop making music, because they wouldn't subsist for long. I mean, they are far from being rich unlike what many people think. We're used to that image with the celebrities.

yes i agree, unless Aky makes a featuring with Celine Dion :erk:

Anyway, it's pretty distressing for me to know that Opeth are not such a big "celebrity band" I think about the fact that i will probably never improve myself (for example on song-writing) so much to reach the art of Michael, and even if in the future i will do that, my art will never be listen by a large target of people. I mean, 1 arpeggios of Still life for me is more beutiful/ full of atmosphere, poetic, and also technically complex than 10 (or even more :Smug: ) hits from Acdc but nobody gives a fu*k about Still Life even for someone that idolize Led Zeppelin's Arpeggios. We shall teach Opeth's poetry at school people....something must be done...