new Opeth compilation cd ideas???


crazed tattooed metalhead
Jan 19, 2002
I want to make a compilation cd, one for myself to get even more(like it is possible) psyched for the upcoming concert tour and to make copies for people I know are thinking about going that are getting into Opeth.

I am adding deliverance and a fair judgement from new cd.

It is always hard to make one 80 minute cd of Opeth.

It made me curious. What other songs would you add? would you try one from each cd?
I made one of three songs from Orchid and Morningrise (each) yesterday. It's got In Mist..., Forest of October, The Apostle in Triumph, Advent, The Night..., and Nectar. For me, they were all sort of off-kilter songs, so I put them together.

I also have one with a more broad tracklist:
1) Demon of the Fall (with the intro drums of Credence at the end, into...)
2) Dirge for November (into...)
3) The Moor
4) By the Pain I See in Others (without end madness)
5) The Drapery Falls
6) Patterns in the Ivy
7) Harvest
8) Deliverance
9) To Bid You Farewell

It's always hard to top the albums themselves. Here's some suggested tracks from each album:

Forest of October
The Apostle in Triumph


Demon of the Fall

Still Life:
The Moor
Moonlapse Vertigo
White Cluster

The Leper Affinity (must have!!)
The Funeral Portrait
Blackwater Park

and you already have Deliverance songs.

Not all those would fit on a CD, obviously, they're just some songs I think you be good to combo together for a CD.

You could also copy their live show tracklists (one or two from each album).
thanks for the ideas, I had made two so far in the past. One was the set list from their tour with nevermore

the 2nd was:
april ethereal
the moor
black rose immortal
in mist she was standing
the leper affinity
moonlapse vertigo

I ended up making one with tracks I hadn't used except for one
it was
godhead's lament
the twilight in my rose
for absent hands
to bid you farewell
the drapery falls(was going to use harvest but too much open space would have been left on cd)
a fair judgement
hmm, for this compiliation idea it would be perfect if P Diddy came down and done the remixes and all for it...

anywho you have to include:

in the mist she was standing
demon of the fall
serenity painted death
face of melinda
the leper affinity
the drapery falls
masters apprentices

hmm, 80 minutes is hardly enough, i use double playback recording on mini-disk to make 147 mins and i still have to make 2 of those to fit in all the songs i want...
i would have to say a couple songs off each IF its possible

Under a Weeping Moon
Apositles Triumph
Black Rose
Demon of the Fall
April Etheral
White Cluster
Sereinty Painred Death
The Funeral Portrait
Masters Apprentice