highschool kids covering Opeth

I was kinda disappointed how the one guitarist just stood near the drumkit for the whole song and didn't really move, but other than that it was pretty cool

If the high school I'm going to had outdoor events like this (I'd assume it's a talent show or battle of the bands) it'd be awesome, especially if there were death metal fans (or any type of metal, even) since I'm a bass player, and I guess a decent death metal vocalist. That would equal pwn, I can imagine Advent, or Deliverance, or Master's Apprentices or something being played by three or four other guys and me. However, I doubt the high school will, seeing as it's a private Catholic HS. I doubt they'll even have talent shows, and if they did, I don't think they'd like "this death metal business." :\
That was pretty cool, I've always liked Master's Apprentices. I wish I knew people like that here at my school. I had an Opeth shirt on at this after school thing and so now they call me "Oprah", cause they just glanced. Then they said "Opeth sound like Oprah too!"
Not bad! The sound quality sucked ass, but it sounded like they played it alright. I wanna hear the clean vocals.

Also, vashts, my Catholic school recently had a battle of the bands, and not only did a death metal band get in, they (somehow) won. Seeing as there's very few DM fans in my school (me, and like 3 other people), that was a big shock...
shark22 said:
....And what makes Mike so much better? I thought the kid did a great job at the death vocals. I personally don't see the fuss over Mike's death vocals. Sure, he sounds evil...but so do many other bands. I won't get into the name game this early though (see how the fanboy responses play out). :D

The reason you think this is because, as you've said in other posts, you don't listen to death metal. That's why you think all death growls sound the same.
that was a great performance, especially for high school kids. I personally think it doesn't matter if they played one of Opeth's easier songs, it's just awesome because of the fact that they even played Opeth!

Did you guys click the "more videos" tab on that page? There's a bunch of opeth videos and one of them has horrible bass production, the kick drum absolutely drowns the entire video. LOL
I would have liked to hear the clean vocals, as everyone else said...but I think that is a damn awesome performance. Despite the crappy sound quality, I think they did a great job with the song, even if it is easy to play. The drummer looked like he knew what he was doing, I was happy he got down the cymbal catch followed by the two cymbal hits (small thing, but I love the way it was done).
Good stuff.
Jude said:
The singer had a great growl. I liked how he didn't know what to do with himself during the instrumental parts so he kept on just headbanging and then brushing his hair back.

Also the solo wasn't really played well (toward the end of the video).

But still an admirable performance.

Yeah. Haha, that was pretty neat. I could imagine, however. He was a bit nervous, but that's understandable. The crowd was kind of like....bleh as well. They where like...yeah. They didn't seem to be into it.

Not bad at all. As mentioned before, the singer did sound a lot like Opeth's vocalist.
Hey man, I have a couple of folks in my high school who dig metal. Some big time Dream Theater fans. I know a few Death fans....In Flames.

Maybe I should talk to them and get a band going. Our school is infested with hip-hop, but some metal representation would be nice.

I have vocals. I'm sure I can sing great clean vocals and put on the growl. Who know's...maybe a future. I do play the acoustic guitar eveyday.
Mumblefood said:
I dislike that song. And the part they showed was the most boring thing Opeth ever wrote. I don't really know what's impressive about it either, it's not like that section is hard to play.

its hard to find opeth fans in yoru town when all you do is jack off in your room while posting fanboy threads on UM.

Hermits never find anything in common with anyone.

I live in a town of 1000 people total and I've already run into at least 5 people that have heard of and like Opeth. This is in fucking Montana.
the_drip said:
its hard to find opeth fans in yoru town when all you do is jack off in your room while posting fanboy threads on UM.

Hermits never find anything in common with anyone.

I live in a town of 1000 people total and I've already run into at least 5 people that have heard of and like Opeth. This is in fucking Montana.

Montana? Right on man. I hear it's like a barren waste-land out there in some rural areas.
it is very barren. and its cold as a witches tit. 6 degrees at this very moment. think of the IMmortal video of "battles in the north" that's about what its like here right now. Only its fucking windy too.

so it feels like its -7 degrees. But its actually 6. windchill is gay.
Yeah it was quite good, although the song itself isn't that hard to play, but still playing it in front of my school... That would rock! :) But the only thing I ever played n front of my schools audience was Fror Whom The Bell Tolls and man was my band booed at ;)

To bad the video ends at such an interesting point in the song... I wonder if this guy there actually SUNG the clean parts, LOLzords ;)
I liked the vid a lot, especially how the drummer was able to do the double bass pretty well. I just wish the other guys would have better stage presence, i liked the one kid on the left with the windmill going. He looked pretty metal:headbang:
mylovedenied said:
my Catholic school recently had a battle of the bands, and not only did a death metal band get in, they (somehow) won.
lol, good one. congrats!
Voodoo Child said:
That was pretty cool, I've always liked Master's Apprentices. I wish I knew people like that here at my school. I had an Opeth shirt on at this after school thing and so now they call me "Oprah", cause they just glanced. Then they said "Opeth sound like Oprah too!"

Dude, I thought I was the only one that happend to...lol.

Other than the one person on my campus that actually knew who Opeth was, everyone else is like "Does your shirt say Oprah?"