HiHats and Superior 2.0


Oct 24, 2007
I've been struggling lately with getting a good hat sound in my drum mix from Superior. I primarily use the Metal Foundry add-on.

As we all painfully know, hats are probably the toughest piece to get right, sound "real", in a completely sampled situation. And although Superior has some of the best hats I've ever heard (and algorithms for altering samples via their Humanize function) - I still hear a cheesy, tingy kinda of sound. I've tried everything from EQ, comp to playing with bleed in the OHs and room mics to no avail.

Anyone got a hat sound in Superior they're proud of? Willing to share any tips/tricks?
Drummers usually hit cymbals a bit harder when hitting the snare at the same time. Simply add a bit more velocity to the cymbal note when the snare also plays. Other than that I dind't use anything else. Would like to hear some other tricks as well.