Hilarious gay bands list.


My favs:
Elton John(really gay)
Ted Nugent (loincloth)
George Michael (texan) <--LOL @ texan
Marilyn Manson (dark gay) wtf is that.

What a funny list. Queen is on there of course, but they are one of my favorite bands of all times...if only for Sheer Heart Attack..the way that song starts is bad ass.
Geezus christ, wtf?

Queen is ultra gay (at least Freddie) but did anyone else ever like them? I dont really like any of their gay 80s shit besides a few songs, Another one bites the dust is great. I always liked Ogre Battle. If I ever had a band making a cd..id cover a queen song. Alot of their early stuff was heavy but eventually had some gay element thrown in. Id have to remove that part.
Queen is ultra gay (at least Freddie) but did anyone else ever like them? I dont really like any of their gay 80s shit besides a few songs, Another one bites the dust is great. I always liked Ogre Battle. If I ever had a band making a cd..id cover a queen song. Alot of their early stuff was heavy but eventually had some gay element thrown in. Id have to remove that part.

What about Queensrÿche? I don't think their songs are particularly gay.

Case in point. My brother loved them, and he likes to fuck women, so I don't think they've had an impact on the conversion of confused, shy boys into flaming butt-pirates.

On the other hand, those guys always dressed like a bunch of transvestite hookers.

I thought The "Nuge" was an outspoken anti-homosexual.
Why is Anthrax not on there. with titles like : "Fist" full of metal", skeleton in "the Closet". Think about an "end". Im the "Man". ? :lol:
there was something about freddie M with that mustache and those huge teeth that kinda scared me. another one bites the dust is tits tho.

Yeah freddie was creepy. But Another one bites the dust is a classic. My favorites are Sheer Heart Attack and Flash Gordon. NOTHING..can beat the song Flash Gordon for total cheese and lameness, thus elevating it greatness.

Queen songs that rocked:

Keep Yourself Alive
Modern Times Rock & Roll
Seven Seas Of Rhye (both versions)
Father To Son
Ogre Battle
Brighton Rock
Flick Of The Wrist
In The Lap Of The Gods (and revisted)
Stone Cold Crazy
Death On Two Legs
Bohemian Rhapsody
The Prophet's Song
Tie Your Mother Down
We Will Rock You
We Are The Champions
Sheer Heart Attack
Spread Your Wings
Bicycle Race
Another One Bites The Dust
Under Pressure

everything else is pretty gay.
LOL great list and it gives me great pleasure to be able to say THAT NONE OF MY FAV BANDS ARE ON THAT LIST, thank God!!!!!!

Was never much of a Queen fan, in fact I pretty much hated them, and Iagree that Freddie Mercury was indeed a total creepoid, that repellent that I could barely watch any Queen videos. Anyhooo I have to admit that I do think that Brighton Rock is absolutely sensational and I'm quite fond of I'm in Love with my Car and Fat Bottomed Girls. Absolutely detest that Bohemian Rhapsody - probably my most hated song of all time!!!!