hilarious! gay bands list

I just love the fact that they quote Oscar Wilde on that site and list him as a "reformed gay".

Oscar Wilde went to prison because he was being buggered on a daily basis, and was promptly buggered by other prisoners on a daily basis. I'm really sure he learnt his lesson.

By that kind of logic, I guess that made Jesus a "reformed jew". Fucking morons :D
Oh wow. That site is just so wrong. I mean listing Ted "I love to kill things" Nugent because he wore a loincloth? WTF? He's always been listed as one of the most chest beating macho rockers of his era. What, Motorhead is gay? The guys who think that Lemmy is gay must smoke a lot of crack. Any yet they think that Morressy is "questionable" about his gayness? Just ... wow ...
wow....i had no idea metallica was gay

damn theres like 5 bands on that list that i cant listen to now...this sucks

you can, just don't tell your mother....if she asks tell her it's cindy lauper's new band.for more safety put all your metallica cds in straight-band's jewel cases.

...he's right 'bout marilgay manson though...
1st point: This site sucks, makes me want to punch his ass.
2nd: Jesus loves metal, look at his hair.
3rd: With any knowledge of the bible (and mine is limited), Jesus hung out with murderers, rapists and in general the morally problematic society when he was around. To say that he hates anyone (being that in protestant faith he was a representaion of God) makes that person an idoit.
4th: Donnie Davis is probably going to hell for that crap.
The whole site just makes me sic! :Puke: If indeed there is a god, I guess he/she/it decided to ignore the rest of nature. I've seen many of animals, plants & other elements in life display "gay" behaviors. I think it's yet another way nature balances it's self out.
Hmm, hearing sheer absurdity out of someone who decides to interpret religious mythology as if it had any actual relevance, authority, or sensibility... that's never happened before. Wouldn't have even thought that was possible.

30 Seconds to Mars???? LOL... these morons... if Jared Leto is gay, then why has he been linked to every hot actress on the planet...

And Björk? These people are high...

Besides, there's strong historical evidence that Jesus was gay...