Hilarious voice mail

: This site is designed for use in Microsoft Internet Explorer browser version 5.0 or greater.
: You are not using that browser and have therefore been excluded from viewing this site.

since when do you NEED the bill gate$ piece of shit explorer to access a site?

i encourage webmasters worldwide to make their servers anti-explorer, denying any requests from said piece of shit explorer.


M$ explorer's browser core primarily consists of stolen MOSAIC code, Mosaic was an open-source browser which later became the first version of Netscape in the early 90's. That was before microsoft decided they owned the internet - after which of course everything went to shit. Thanks a lot bill.
SSJ4SephirothX said:
"One thing you don't see is someone running at full speed while taking a shit."
-George Carlin

Raab himself actually makes this reality in CKY4.

It's "You never see a really big fat chinese guy with red hair. You never see a guy taking a shit while running at full speed."