Hillside Record Show Sunday 5/20/12

ORLY!!!!??? I didnt realize the next one was coming up so quick.
For being every 2 months it seems like everytime I sneeze there is another one.

Honestly though, the last two times I went I only bought stuff from Planet Metal anyhow.
I hope PM is at both nights of Ragnarokkr.
ORLY!!!!??? I didnt realize the next one was coming up so quick.
For being every 2 months it seems like everytime I sneeze there is another one.

Honestly though, the last two times I went I only bought stuff from Planet Metal anyhow.
I hope PM is at both nights of Ragnarokkr.

I think they are going to be there both nights.
Its mostly vinyl, but there is some darn good stuff there!!!!
Everytime I go, I think to myself, "Thank the good lord I went cold turkey on vinyl years ago, otherwise I would be broke"!
It is mostly vinyl but a few vendors that have CD's.

Yes, I always find great stuff and spend way more than I should. My best finds probably were the first Sir Lord Baltimore LP or \ Running Wild's Branded and Exiled LP. I found copies of Savatage's Dungeons and Sirens for under $10.

If you're in to prog there is one guy who has a ton of prog CD's. Really obscure stuff...but good.
I went to the one back in January, had a tough time finding metal stuff (besides Planet Metal and Metal Haven). And the stuff i did was priced way out of my range such as Helloween - Dr. Stein 12" single for $40. So Ill make it back someday, maybe in July.

And I know that prog guy, but you can usually get that stuff cheaper online if you look around. It was all like $15 or more for a cd i could pick up brand new off ebay for $12 or less.
The prog guy is awesome, but like I said he charges too much when I can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Yeah but he's not making that much money on the stuff. And sometimes there is something nice about buying music from a human being that really is into the music. Plus I've talked to the guy and he is barely scrapping by financially and has other issues. He does it cause he loves the music. I'm not gonna buy everything from him but I do try to support when I can.
I went to the one back in January, had a tough time finding metal stuff (besides Planet Metal and Metal Haven). And the stuff i did was priced way out of my range such as Helloween - Dr. Stein 12" single for $40. So Ill make it back someday, maybe in July.

Ha - I bought that Dr. Stein 12" but I talked him down to $18! You gotta deal with these guys...most of the sellers will haggle especially if you're buying multiple LP's.
Also, so many of those guys have had the SAME stuff for literally 20 years.
I have been going to the Hillside Record conventions since the late 80s.
There are still many of the SAME vendors who still have some of the same stuff from back then.

So as Pat says, you can definitely negotiate on vinyl.

I used to have the original HELLOWEEN EP on vinyl but traded it to Metal Haven.
Kind of wish I still had it.
So I dragged myself out of the Ragnarrokr coma to zombie shuffle into my Dad's car to get to the show. I was very tired but I got some great vinyl:

Voivod - Killing Technology (might be a reissue..tough to tell) $8
Candlemass - Ancient Dreams (Metal Blade) $20
Riot - Thundersteel (CBS) $13
Cities - Annihilation Absolute (Metal Blade) $7

now comes the crash......