

New Metal Member
Jul 11, 2004
I have created this post on HIM because they are my favourite band, I've been a fan since 1998 and I'm a staff memebr on www.Heartagram.org {a good site}. If you havent heard of HIM you should check them out, they're doing a tour later this year in October. For all of u who have heard of HIM wat do think to the band?
There is also HIMonline.TV
HIM are the worst band in the world. soundwise they are unremarkable pop/rock. nothing special really. but since Bam Magera says their good (and the only reason he likes them is he wants to bang the leader singer) all the MTV generation suddenly think its the coolest thing ever whilst still mocking the "pop/hip hop sheep" for trend following.

i like a lot of overground music but HIM are simply vile. the Rasmus featuring the lead singers younger brother (apparently) are even worse
Honestly, I dont hate HIM all that much. I got their first album a few years back when it came out, there were a couple songs on there that were somewhat decent, the other albums all sucked. The vocalist is fucking SCARY to look at... could he be any MORE gay?
If you are a street teamer you should do more research on the sites you post at. Looking at previous threads about HIM would have shown that this is not the place to promote that band. If you area troll, MetallicaDude did it better. Either way you are a tard...