Himinbjorg – Golden Age


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Himinbjorg – Golden Age
Adipocere Records – CDAR79 – 2003
By Russell Garwood

French quartet Himinbjorg play pagan/black metal with a melodic touch rarely found in the genre. The vocals – comprising black screaming and powerful, occasionally off-key singing - are provided by Zahaah, whose bass is straightforward yet effective. The guitars of Mathrien D. (rhythm and acoustic) and Anton (rhythm and lead) are good; melodic yet relatively heavy they are reminiscent of much Viking/pagan metal, and the occasional acoustics introduce variety. The drums of Kahos are solid – rapid double bass drives the music well, but more deviation from this standard would help create more interesting listening.

The music is well written – varied song structures keep the music interesting, and the clean vocal lines are a nice addition. Some repeated passages/melodies can begin to drag at times, but for the most part “Golden Age” is an absorbing release, which black and pagan metal fans may like to try out.