Historical Basis of Lyrics

Hammer of Might

New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2003
London, England
A lot of popular lyrical themes seem to revolve around historical concepts, and I suppose in metal a favourite focus is a medievalistic approach, either overtly or just in the musical approach. But how seriously do you think bands have actually bothered to consider the historical messages behind their lyrics.

For example, a somewhat worn out theme is the idea of paganism oppressed by Christianity, and (particularly) Scandinavian resistance to Christianisation, manifested most infamously in church burnings carried out, supposedly, in some act of 'veangeance'. But I just sometimes wonder how much bands bother looking in to history and how much they are tapping into an easily graspable concept of Christian oppression over unwilling pagans.

It could be argued for example that many pagan peoples weren't particularly aversed to Christianity, and often used it as a political tool - this is something that seems to be overlooked by most emotive lyrical takes on the period.

So, do you think bands are sincere when featuring anti-Christian lyrics in a historical context, or do you think this is rather their own complaints and angsts in reaction to modern day Christianity, being played out in an imagined and not particularly well-researched vision of the past?
High On Maiden said:
It could be argued for example that many pagan peoples weren't particularly aversed to Christianity, and often used it as a political tool - this is something that seems to be overlooked by most emotive lyrical takes on the period.

If you're talking about Scandinavia, it were the Kings who used it as a political tool, not the people. The people were mainly forced. "Be Christian or die", as Olaf Trygvesson said.
But surely any religion is imposed on the populace by the leaders, and the religious lives of the people tended to follow political change anyway.

Do you think then that anti-Christian lyrical themes (when based in history) are more a lament for the change enforced upon the common people than any real complaint about the finer points of Christianity itself?
I think, either way, more bands should make an attempt to actually research their lyrics, since about .0062% of them contain any real historical "information", whether anti-Xtian, war-related, paganism-related, hating-the-Joos-related, whatever. But that's a pretty accurate account of most human beings anyway. Most people, in general, just don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
frankly i dont care.... as long as it makes me wanna bang my head i dont care what their writing about... they could be writing about how they raped a goat in a farm while satan threw shit at them, but as long as the song kicks ass i dont care what their sayin'.

(my opinion)
I definitely appreciate when bands explain their lyrics like Nile, Behemoth, and Zyklon do. For one, it makes me feel better about actually buying the disc, and secondly, it shows that they've actually put some effort into writing them.
MasterOLightning said:
I definitely appreciate when bands explain their lyrics like Nile, Behemoth, and Zyklon do. For one, it makes me feel better about actually buying the disc, and secondly, it shows that they've actually put some effort into writing them.

I agree. The liner notes for the Black Seeds of Vengeance CD are practically better than the music. It was like a crash course in Egyptology.
OfManAndMetal said:
frankly i dont care.... as long as it makes me wanna bang my head i dont care what their writing about... they could be writing about how they raped a goat in a farm while satan threw shit at them, but as long as the song kicks ass i dont care what their sayin'.

(my opinion)

AMEN!!! As I have said before, if I can understand more than about 5% of what they are saying anyway, I am totally not interested (Slayer being probably the only exception). To me, the vocallist is merely another "instrument". I don't even WANT to know what he is saying.

Teh Grimarse said:
If Slayer has the best lyrics of any band you listen to, you need help.
Fucking idiot:

Gory Elephant said:
if I can understand more than about 5% of what they are saying anyway, I am totally not interested (Slayer being probably the only exception)....I don't even WANT to know what he is saying.
This means he likes Slayer despite being able to understand more than about 5% of the lyrics, this is not because he is interested in lyrics and loves lyrics and Slayer writes his favourite lyrics you dolt.
Gory Elephant said:
AMEN!!! As I have said before, if I can understand more than about 5% of what they are saying anyway, I am totally not interested (Slayer being probably the only exception). To me, the vocallist is merely another "instrument". I don't even WANT to know what he is saying.


This is exactly how I feel. I don't listen to metal for the lyrical content, just the music.
MasterOLightning said:
I definitely appreciate when bands explain their lyrics like Nile, Behemoth, and Zyklon do. For one, it makes me feel better about actually buying the disc, and secondly, it shows that they've actually put some effort into writing them.

Great point. Vader used to be good for this too - I found the liner notes for "De Profundis" to be excellent.