Historical set in San Diego


Jan 18, 2003
San Diego or Istanbul
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Wasted Years
Evil That Men Do

The order was close I don't have the setlist with me this time but
I'm sure these were the 15 songs played. Oh my God they played
Alaxander. all these years we, Maiden fans demanded that song and
wondered how it would sound live. Today it became closest to reality.
The inreo,sounds so emotional live. I was in awe. I love the last part
of teh song like crazy and it was unbelievable. Definetly Maiden
has to play this. And a big thank you to Maidens!

The opener different world made my day. It's an awesome song and
its vocals are so difficult. That's why Bruce one of the best vocalists
ever and Ajo shone. The great thing is the crowd sang alone well so
it shows that AMOLAD is already becoming a legend. It's so good.
I love pre-chorus and chorus of this song so much. I hope other
AMOLAD songs gets played live in thefuture. This album is a gold mine.

Sara was back to the place she got injured and she ruled. Special
thanks to her.

I say this after every Maidens show but it has to be restated:
Phantom is THE best live song ever and always should be on set.
Thanks so much for fullfilling this. I can't emphasise enough how
awesome the song is live. ALWAYS a highlight. One day I'll day while
going crazy at the middle part of this song probably.

Murders was another highlight. It was played so well and the
energy of this songs is just perfect for live.

Sea of madeness and tailgunner! what can I say. First time in my life
I heard them live and it was an honour.

Damage Inc is one of the best Matallica cover bands ever and Metallica
is one of the bands I'm die hard fan of so them and Maidens playing
togteher (again) was priceless. For Metallica fans the set was:

Creeping Death

and awesome.

I can't wait for the Spetember show. Thanks for coming to SD again.
That's a good set list, it's too bad Iron Maiden will never play songs like Powerslave or Seventh Son again. Maybe I'm wrong but it doesn't appear they will regarding the way they do things. I don't think Iron Maiden EVER played Alexander live, too bad....
Alexander never got played live that makes it a cult song,

on the polls it always comes #1 among the songs to ppl want to

see live. Powerslave got played on Ed Hunter Tour when Bruce

came back on 99. It might be played again next year in the second

history tour. It will be Powerslave era all over again.
I must say it was great seeing the girls :) AWESOME SHOW!!! no matter what!!!

It was great seeing a few people I have come to know here as friends (Jim, Matt and Jeremy)

Sara: Thanks again we appreciate it tons! (look I won again!) and by the way "YOU FUCKIN ROCK" oh wait I think that might have been from the echo still going on in my head!! but you do ROCK!

Aja, your bench is right here sweetpea :) Also can't wait to start working out with ya once I heal :) Your the BEST!!

Linda, as always your thumping on them drums soothed my heart. Lets get that thing going for "you know who" :) she needs to get out here!!! I heart ya!

Wanda, what can I say you are the sweetest for being such a worry wort, things work out one way or the other for the best. Thanks again for all you did for Paul :)

Last but not least...Heather, It was great finally meeting you for the first time last night. You are a very nice and good person :) Again from me, WELCOME to this lil family we got going here!! Keep up that awesome energy on stage!!!!

Ok I'm all done with my lil rant... GREAT SHOW GIRLS and see you at the Coach House :)
Here's all of my Cane's show pics from last night. :kickass:

Set list:






Way to deliver once again, ladies. Always great to see you. Good to see our friend Jeremy at the show and now here on the board, too.

It was very cool to see Sara be able to stand for a couple of songs. :kickass:

New camera and new learning curve so I'm sorting what I got. Some things worked and others utterly failed.


This is one that worked. Very cool to now have something I can shoot sans a flash at a show.
Many thanks to all the lads in DAMAGE INC for a great set and all their help before, during and after the show !
Also a thanks to Matt for feeding everybody with his homemage gingerbread cake after the show and Uncle Jimbo for load out!
The setlist was great and had an even better time. I am really looking forward to the next time they play at Canes.
I'm so bummed I missed this night ! I pulled a muscle in my back and couldn't make it. Great set list ,sounds like the girls were as good as ever!
Many thanks to all the lads in DAMAGE INC for a great set and all their help before, during and after the show !
Also a thanks to Matt for feeding everybody with his homemage gingerbread cake after the show and Uncle Jimbo for load out!

No, no. Thank you! We love playing with the Maidens and are always up for that show. We are HUGE maiden fans and getting to hear some of the more obscure tracks live was a real treat for us. And to all of you who came out and showed us some love at Canes: THANK YOU ESPECIALLY. Asterothe we saw you front and center the entire night. How you manage to not get an anurysm (sp?!?) from banging your head through an hour of us and 90 minutes of the Maidens is beyond us. lol

Cya next time.... :-) :rock:

Damage Inc
No, no. Thank you! We love playing with the Maidens and are always up for that show. We are HUGE maiden fans and getting to hear some of the more obscure tracks live was a real treat for us. And to all of you who came out and showed us some love at Canes: THANK YOU ESPECIALLY.

Saw you guys the week before w/ The Atomic Punks. Some great shows the last couple weekends.

Thanks for playing Disposable Heroes, too..that one kicks ass. :kickass: Do you guys ever play Dyers Eve?
It was great to see all of you there! Sorry to hear you injured yourself, concertchick and you couldn't come. Hope it heals quickly.

Welcome to the boards socaled and bornwithatail (:lol:)

The boys from Damage, Inc did a wonderful job- thanks for everything, guys!

You're quite the baker there Matt - the gingerbread was yummy!

But our deepest thanks go to DRZ who has been busting ass overtime, so that we can all heal from our various injuries - we couldn't do it without you, Mr. D!
Fear Of The Goat!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!

I knew it would happen!!! :lol: :lol: Great setlist from both bands!!! :kickass:

We did that just for you!!! :goggly:
Thanks to everybody who came out for a post 4th of July weekend celebration, and all who helped us out in every possible way throughout that night! We really needed you all! Thanksssssss!!!!!!!! :rock: We still have your plate, Matt! Damage, Inc. are the most amazing guys - let's do it again soon! Jim, my bro John, our crew and above all, Mark. Aja said it best. :notworthy