History of Prog Metal book?


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL

You knew it was only a matter of time. ;) And not that I really care to read a book about it, but at least it's good to see that it appears as though this guy knows what he's talking about with most of the bands mentioned in this news blurb.

Huge pet peeve of mine what some people call prog metal these days. :Smug:

And don't worry, no rant on my part...this time. :p :lol:
"Beginning with the hugely influential mid-1970s efforts of Canadian band RUSH"

HA!!!! I LOVEthe fact that Rush gets kudos for being ""prog metal" :)) Now I can tell Brian and Shannon that I was right LOL. We all had a debate that night at your house, Rob, whether or not Rush was considered prog rock or prog metal. Rick and I said metal, Brian and Shannon said rock......In all goofiness....nyah nyah LOL
Hey Rob, tell Shannon I still love her to death and she has to come over and train my retarded dog ;) I'm sure I'll see Brian soon and Nyah him in person hehehehe....

Actually, I'm kinda surprised Brian would say rock...although, I guess I could buy hard rock. Then again, they weren't any less metal than Judas Priest back then, and no one would argue that Priest ain't metal. JP started with the hippy attire too...although Rush never adopted the leather. Can you imagine Rush in leather? :lol: :lol: :lol:
: JP started with the hippy attire too...although Rush never adopted the leather. Can you imagine Rush in leather? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hmmmm.....not so much Alex, but Geddy? One of my fantasies LOL!! And I know that Neil goes on his motorcycle trips in leather chaps and a biker jacket, not a bad look for an old man lol...ya gotta understand.....Rush is my all time fav band......minus the 2112 pic, I love all their pics.....I may be wierd, but to me Geddy and Neil are like Gods, or aliens, or something...... hehehehe. We just saw them and they did "Natural Science". Rick and I looked at each other and said: "Now that's metal, no doubt"
As for Priest...seeing Halford in the paisley shirt, hippy hat and pants was really wierd, but they dressed like that for my fav album "Sad Wings of Destiny" Go figure, that's the album that has "Tyrant" and "The Ripper" on it, IMO one of the best Priest albums ever.....
And what about Kansas? Do you guys think they should have been in that book? Or are they basically prog rock? I have a hard time labelling them, since some of their stuff is metal, and some isn't. Their earlier stuff is jammin though.
OH....and YESSSS kudos for Fates!!!:headbang::kickass::worship:

Sorry for the novel guys ;)