A Defense of Prog/Prog Metal

Jul 11, 2008
Some comments were made about progressive metal in a thread, and being a pretty big prog/prog metal fan myself, I felt I would try and defend a genre that is often bogged down in the stereotype of being arrogant and overly pretentious. This has probably been said before, but I'm new here, so I hope this doesn't get locked.

I really don't think that putting the label of "prog" on a band is an automatic suggestion that they are better than the rest. It is just a label that gives you an idea of what the music may have in it. You have thrash metal, black metal, doom meral, death metal, etc etc. Each of those labels different attributes in your mind, right? For me when a band is labeled prog, it means there is going to most likely some of the following: long songs, concepts, recurring themes, odd time signatures, long drawn out solos, good musicianship, and often bad lyrics.

Now, at the risk of sounding pretentious, I do think prog rock is more complex than most genres, but that is sort of the point. It can be more thought provoking. But just because something is prog doesn't mean it is good. I dislike a lot of prog.

Someone also mentioned that all prog bands do today is borrow ideas from the prog bands of the 60s and 70s, implying that nothing new is thought of. While I agree to this in an extent, the bands of the 60s and 70s didn't get all thier ideas out of the blue. The borrowed from classical themes and jazz. . . they got their ideas from other places too. But the idea that nothing anything prog is not original is a ludicrous idea. Listen to The Mars Volta and tell me that isn't original. I have also never heard any other band that sounds like Opeth, though I'm sure there are copy-cats out there by now.

I think I like heavy metal because it automatically encompasses a lot of prog elements. Good (often astoundingly good) musicianship, lots of solos, many bands do longer songs, and odd time signatures. Prog is a tricky thing, and probably the hardest genre to classify when it comes to metal. But just because something is labeled as prog doesn't mean it is pretentious, and just because a person is a fan of prog doesn't mean that person is an arrogant ass.
I think the main problem metalheads have with prog metal is that many bands try to be prog by cramming more riffs and time changes into their songs when it's counterproductive to do so. Also, prog/power metal is generally really lame.

Also...metal does not automatically encompass any of those elements for the record. I get your point, but for example almost the entire genre of black metal fails to meet one or more of those.
Really? Black metal usually has excellent musicianship, right? Also, another large aspect of prog (specifically symphonic prog) is that grand epic sound in music, and I think that is in a lot of black metal. . . though I'm not very familiar with the genre. . . but I kind of thought black metal was one of the more proggier sounding genres, lol. Or i'm just completely wrong. Both are equally possible.

And I don't really get into a lot of the power metal sounding kind of prog. Dream Theater and Symphony X are my limit, any cheesier than that and I'm usually out.
I'm one of the other people here holding the controversial opinion that most of the best music is 'progressive' in some manner. I just find that in general, good prog has more diverse and better songwriting than music that is not prog.

Black metal does often have one thing in common with prog; unusual song structures.
Really? Black metal usually has excellent musicianship, right? Also, another large aspect of prog (specifically symphonic prog) is that grand epic sound in music, and I think that is in a lot of black metal. . . though I'm not very familiar with the genre. . . but I kind of thought black metal was one of the more proggier sounding genres, lol. Or i'm just completely wrong. Both are equally possible.

And I don't really get into a lot of the power metal sounding kind of prog. Dream Theater and Symphony X are my limit, any cheesier than that and I'm usually out.

No, a lot of black metal is sloppy noise. Symphonic black metal is what you're thinking of - the production tends to be cleaner, musicianship maybe a little better, but mostly that's where that epic sound comes from. There are plenty of black metal bands who are excellent musicians, but the genre as a whole does not place an emphasis on technicality or musicianship. So while Emperor, for example, meet your criteria, Bathory's black metal output does not.
Speaking of Bathory, what would be the best album to start with them, I sampled their myspace and was completely underwhelmed, but since they seem so popular I'm willing to give em a second chance.
any genre of metal can have "progressive" elements. as long as it doesnt sounds gay, it's fine with me.
Speaking of Bathory, what would be the best album to start with them, I sampled their myspace and was completely underwhelmed, but since they seem so popular I'm willing to give em a second chance.
Blood Fire Death. But if you're underwhelmed by the stuff on the myspace, you should probably just give up.
No, a lot of black metal is sloppy noise.

Agreed. A good portion of the musicians seem lazy like they don't care to learn how to play their instruments. BM is pretty much poor sloppy lazy musicians and terrible production.
Speaking of Bathory, what would be the best album to start with them, I sampled their myspace and was completely underwhelmed, but since they seem so popular I'm willing to give em a second chance.
I'd go with Under The Sign of the Black Mark for their black metal stuff and then either Hammerheart or Nordland I for their Viking era stuff.

Agreed. A good portion of the musicians seem lazy like they don't care to learn how to play their instruments. BM is pretty much poor sloppy lazy musicians and terrible production.
Could you not say "agreed" as if your post is connected to my post and then proceed to shit all over the concept of not being colossally ignorant?