Hit or Miss

hit a disgracfull line-up but a year ago was a decnt line-up, so is the next year (btw its Dubai Desert Rock Festivel 08)

next person think swedishmetalrules is a lucky bastard for seeing amon 7 times, while some people (like me) havnt seen them at all

i will have seen them 7 times in one year after bochum, same with Vaughan :rock:
Miss. Don't drive

Hit & Miss. I have a fuckload of cds, vinyls & metal dvds, but lately, i havent been buying much, just a cd here n there coz im saving my ass off for Bochum so i can splerge fucking shitloads on music over there!

WRONG! There's no such thing as enough metal.

Next person is lying.
Miss. Lying about what?

& I never said there was such a thing as to much metal, i said im saving my ass off so i can buy fuckloads more!

V! Damnit, not playing the game right. Where's the next person is ...blah blah blah?

Miss, I never lie.

Next person thinks they are The Velourfog
Hit, just looked on super G and that velourfog seems to be a gay one .
Next person loves Long haired girls/guys .