Hit or Miss

Miss - unless ferret wrangling counts as a sport.

Next person has an odiferous pet.

Miss. Well, the cat it's self isn't that bad. It threw up the other day and it made my eyes water.

Next person, like my fine self, would have sexy times with Patrick Stewart.
Miss, they played near here about a month ago. Some guy that was hitting on me was going on about getting tickets. He stopped talking to me when I asked if he actually paid for those..I wonder why? :heh:

Next person is glad Romo is getting beat by the elderly Warner!
Miss, but I want to hear the story.

@ Amon - I was listening to Atheist at the time. Gorguts is another, as is Cryptopsy.

Next person has a burning desire to run naked down the street waving a sword and screaming in Old Norse.
Miss, even though it's not actually illegal here. In BC there's a general preference for a certain other mind altering substance...

The next person didn't have to look up "tromboning" like I did when it came up earlier in this thread.
miss :p

some guy just came pushing everyone in school, and my class had been in a fight 3 mins ago, i just commented we had a hero there, the guy came slapped me, and ran away, some others just grabbed me and i cudnt chase the dude, so i just kept staring at him and smiling whenever he looked at me, he then starts asking if i want a picture or something, moves towards me, i keep mocking him and then after a minor insult to the way i dress the guy headbuts me, and surpirse surprise, i try to retaliate but 2 guys grab me again, 2 start kicking me from the back, and the bastard runs again... i managed to give him a minor kick, the guy would be dead if he was alone....

next person thinks i should stop telling my friends to not kick his ass