Hit or Miss


next person thinks amon666's cover of death in fire has lame video effects !!!!!!! no i didnt!!!!!!! did i ????
hit, it will never be surpassed

next person has a form of tinitus (like myself) and has to sleep with a fan on in order to block out the noise

yes im fucked up
Miss, I wish...

Next person has looked in the toilet after taking a shit and thought to themselves, "...Damn!"
Miss to both of you.

You boys and being proud of your shit cracks me up. My friends used to take pics and send it to me, maybe that's the reason I don't text anymore...I'm scarred. HAHA At 12 Courics

Next person has begun writing a book.

I am in the middle of designing two scimitars I want, and an battle axe.
Yep I am being a nerd and stealing the designs straight out of a book.

Next person likes to read.