Hit or Miss


next person is masterbating

Miss, I'm just playing around with my stuff making it into funny shapes. I got some weird turtle thing with a trunk going on atm.

Next person, sadly, has probably never read anything by Alfred Bester, Philip K Dick, Peter Hamilton or Dan Simmons.
Miss, I'm just playing around with my stuff making it into funny shapes. I got some weird turtle thing with a trunk going on atm.

Next person, sadly, has probably never read anything by Alfred Bester, Philip K Dick, Peter Hamilton or Dan Simmons.

Hit. But my boyfriend is reading A quantum murder by Peter Hamilton and going gaga about it.

Next person is a Terry Pratchett fan!
miss dont know who that is, and if its an author ive never read a book so.......

next person can speak german
fuck no, miss

next person shits themselves at the sight of snakes
miss, im presuming its some author or something......so miss

next person knows a good site where i can watch the first episode of the 4th season of prison break.

note. i was drunk so i missed it
Hit - Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries. Now Go Away or I shall taunt you a second time.

NP Watches the Python show as well as the movies.