Hit or Miss

hit, if I really wanted to
Next person is considering killing Vilewoman the moment she picks up her plane tix, undergoing intense cosmetic surgery and amputating the lower eight inches of their legs, and going as her to Bochum.
hit, if I really wanted to
Next person is considering killing Vilewoman the moment she picks up her plane tix, undergoing intense cosmetic surgery and amputating the lower eight inches of their legs, and going as her to Bochum.

Hit. But i abandonned the idea... having two 20 pound boobs on my chest would just end up ruining the gig for me (headbangs would hurt and i couldn't slam cause all the guys would fight over who's catching me) so I thought I wouldn't bother. :)

Nest person already stuck a beer bottle up his/her ass (or had a beer bottle stuck up his/her ass).
Hit. But i abandonned the idea... having two 20 pound boobs on my chest would just end up ruining the gig for me (headbangs would hurt and i couldn't slam cause all the guys would fight over who's catching me) so I thought I wouldn't bother. :)

Nest person already stuck a beer bottle up his/her ass (or had a beer bottle stuck up his/her ass).


next person has a national flag hung up the wall!
hit, if I really wanted to
Next person is considering killing Vilewoman the moment she picks up her plane tix, undergoing intense cosmetic surgery and amputating the lower eight inches of their legs, and going as her to Bochum.

:lol::lol: @ 8inches off their legs
I have an e-ticket, not going to get it till I get to the airport so :P

Hit. But i abandonned the idea... having two 20 pound boobs on my chest would just end up ruining the gig for me (headbangs would hurt and i couldn't slam cause all the guys would fight over who's catching me) so I thought I wouldn't bother. :)

HA! I can headbang just fine! :P
I don't slam because every fuckhead in the pit tries to get a cheap feel. Then I end up in a fight. :heh:


next person has a national flag hung up the wall!

Miss!!! I have picture of the world up, that count? :P

next person has never been in a moshpit.
2 is the best.
by the way, amon666, your next post is your last.

next person secretly doesn't like Amon Amarth and is just in it for the babes.