Hit or Miss

miss, im thinking wow....in the space of one month someone managed to make 126 posts :S

np thinks us english pplz are teh sonsovgod
Miss, unless your family comes from Scotland.. then it's okay.

Next person things more women should play actual guitars and not just bass. :0
hit! lol it seems all women play bass not actual guitarz

np doesnt care as long as they r hot lyk karin from sonic syndicate *ew band*
Hit , I adore their muscles and hair that sticks to their chest cos of sweat :D
Next person doesn't feel like going out tonight .
Been drinking hard all week while parents have been away so drinking tonight would prolly lead to my body crying. And total miss. Until you replace the bass with a real guitar. Or sitar. Or didgeridoo. Or piano. Harmonica. Or violin. Actually, all of them; only then will you be as awesome as me.

Next person drips hot wax on their genitals.
Been drinking hard all week while parents have been away so drinking tonight would prolly lead to my body crying. And total miss. Until you replace the bass with a real guitar. Or sitar. Or didgeridoo. Or piano. Harmonica. Or violin. Actually, all of them; only then will you be as awesome as me.

Next person drips hot wax on their genitals.

I play violin actually.

And no.

Next person will ask how long I've been playing violin for.