Hit or Miss

Hit You're right , I only worked for three weeks last summer and I'm not ready to do it again , college years are the best according to me .
Next person is suffering from indigestion.
Hit / miss ( depends on ur "funny as hel" definition )
Next person broke some bones playing sports in the past 10 years
Miss, haven't even been to an airport in the past two years, and it will be 3 in december.

Next person thinks "The Crusher" is greatly underrated.
Hit, it's my favourite AA album and the only one I listen to frequently.

Next person just walked for over an hour in really strong wind/rain. Grim. >O
Miss. White socks are gay. Near all of mine are black. >O

Next person has loads and loads and loads of condoms that they really don't need. Yay for the contraceptive pill.