Hit or Miss

Miss. Used to... but now I can't do it without feeling guilty anymore, so I stopped. Don't ask. :lol:

Next person is currently eating something.
Miss...only two times so far..but if I would have gotten into their music like two weeks earlier back in 2006 I would've catched them on their European Tour back then.

But this is gonna change. BOCHUM is ahead :grin:

Next person dislikes pizza.
Miss, but I have to write about 10 Pages about a Topic for University until next week ^^

Next person thinks The Frail Tide is a very good album

@amon: my prob is nothing. I love pizza. Actually I was eating one while typing my last post in this topic :lol:
Hit, but it aint gonna happen, I'm getting plenty of rain though.

Next person thinks Arsis is a great band to listen to while driving in the rain.