Hit or Miss

Fuck fries. Fuck ketchup.

Next person got stuck in London Saturday night and spent their time waiting for Waterloo to open questing around with some girls drinking special brew.
Miss. Biscuits, English ones anyway, suck.

And wtf is wrong with Alexisonfire? They own the shit outa most the bands people love around here. =p

Next person thinks an entire broccoli plant + a bit of salt = awesome lunch.
Hit, but I do love broccoli (salt is bad for you mmmkay?)

Next person thinks DamageInc should change his sig cause it's WRONG! (I'm such a troublemaker)
Miss -I prefer to kill emo fags

Next person just got done with dinner and dishes

P.S. wtf is a "Gary Sparkles" doesn't show up on a google search.
Oh it's Gary Glitter, my bad
Hit/miss, her eyes look a little bit uneven, longitudinally speaking.

Next person thinks Cavegirl will hate me for that.