but i am fearful, so why am i not stuck in suburban Connecticut working at a stupid company managing three peons and thinking i'm hot shit? that would have been the easiest, least challenging route.
could your lack of fear have come about because of a really strengthed will? i think the two are somehow related.
(i'm not trying to tell you what you're thinking or anything, btw)
perhaps just as i am trying to boil things down to willpower, it is possible to boil things down to fear. let me explicate...hmm...for instance, i don't like dogs because of fear, but i'm not afraid of them. i'm afraid of a dog biting me and me having to sock it and hurt it, which would make me feel horrendous. so I don't like dogs and stay away from them because they are capable of putting me in a situation that would make me feel terrible. even though i know cats can hurt me, i like them because i can just pull them off me gently and not hurt them.
it would be untrue to say i'm "afraid of dogs", but fear DOES come into play in determining my response to them. is that what you're saying...that fear determines our responses even indirectly, two or three or four degrees of separation away?