

Member? Yes, I got one =)
Mar 12, 2003
Aliso Viejo, CA
Hi Cindy and company! It was nice to finally meet you last night at the Prymary show at TC's. Like I said if you all ever need an extra radio hand or some web help, let me know. Hope to see you all in some future shows...my show on Seismic Radio is on every Tuesday from 8-10 pm (maybe longer if I am not tired from work and the kids :) ) come check it out!

Cheers, Tony
Yes for sure! I think the next show I am going to is the Yngwie Malmsteen show at the Galaxy Theater (this Friday), think Smiley was planning on going too not sure. Hope to see you guys there, if not keep me posted on some shows and if I can I will try and be there. Keep in touch, let me know if you all need some web help or an extra radio hand! :) Cheers, Tony