Hlodowig (FR) Extreme Heavy Metal From Outer Space


New Metal Member
Feb 20, 2013
Greetings humans ! I'm Loïc, the french 19 year old cinema student behind "Hlodowig" .

May I introduce to you my first full length demo : , a mix of old school heavy/speed/prog metal with Black/Pagan/Folk Metal influences and even some swedish death stuff too...

As you can hear, it's only a demo. Also the story behind this messy result is pretty long. First, I had a deadline, I've challenged myself this summer : record a demo and give it to Devin Townsend during his French Tour in october 2012. Furthermore, I'm only a guitarist with no experience in other instruments like vocal or synth, nor in recording process at all ! So the rush of the deadline + my lack of skills were clearly big issues ! But in the end it was a really fun experience/challenge and I finally make it in the time and could give it to Devin :Spin: . If you want to learn more about it there is more informations under the video (links and stuff).

Enjoy !

PS: Sorry for my english skills.
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