What synths give the outer-space feeling?


Gabriel R.
Nov 25, 2010
Orange County, CA
I dont know if any of you have heard the NEW Deftones album its fucking great.

Anyways the vibe/color of the album has "a veritable myriad of visuals, sonic landscapes" "Chino is welcoming the world properly to outer space "-reviews

Chino said that when writing this album he had star wars in mind.

Anyways what are some programs with synths that have this surreal sound/texture i fucking love it. Its soothing and beautiful.

Please any plugin suggestions as well as any specific names of ambient synths would be great.

Native Instruments Absynth
Native Instruments Massive
Camel Audio Alchemy

The sound sets/soundbanks Camel Audio sells on their website for all 3 of these synths are extremely good.... much better than most of what you'd find in the stock presets for these synths.
one of the many free synths ive come across in my time is called the alieno and the GUI looks like this:


sitting behind the wheel in a space craft, true feeling of space right there
Absynth + Nexus

Its usually just achieved with alot of clever reverb and delay. I think half of nexus' appeal is that everything is soaked in verb and delay and theres alot of low end stuff going on which makes it seem powerfull. Not too usefull in a full metal mix unless you eradicate most of the frequencies.
i have one, & every time i power it up its difficult to stop playing it, just wizz though the presets and you have instant Blade Runner style epicness,
Right now its in storage with all my other hardware untill i move house, i have quite a few monster synths (all in storage) and im itching to get them back into use :(
Absynth and Omnisphere and you're good to go.

Some DSK synth are pretty awesome too. Check the whole series, it's awesome and free. Some may be buggy (at least in reaper) on some configs so check them out. On my system they're completely buggy so I had to remove them.