hmm hmm :( hmm

C11 H17 N2 O2 S Na said:
Right on, I understand egos completely. I've been drinking and smoking all night here so I've had a chance to mellow out, think straight, and put my ego aside. I have MSN but I never use the instant messaging, and if you're talking about email I'm changing my address (too much junk, you know?). If you like I'll let you know. :rock:

i'll do it much easier for me...
messaage me here at UM if ya want..
I don't know if you're still there, but I'm about to go. Hopefully I'll see you on here tomorrow (probably evening like today). I'll end by giving you the response I should have given you in the first place, which is - Time.
That's one of the main factors in you keeping your sanity in that strange new world your at. I remember I moved about 11 years ago to a nowhere farm town (as it was at the time, it's evolved since then). I had to find new things to do in that town, meet new people. I'm sure if I left the friends I have now and moved overseas to what, to me is probably like another planet I would have to find something to do with my time, meet people. Sure you'll go back home one day but chances are you've heard the phrase 'Live each day like it's your last' no matter how shitty it appears. I suppose that's life, you have to take what that bastard threw from the sky and twist it into a middle finger aimed back upward. Don't throw your hands in the air and say 'Fukit'. Maybe you'll end up loving it here and have 2 homes - don't answer that one yet. You've seen the Lord of the Rings movies right? or read the books? If 4 hobbits, 2 humans, an elf, a dwarf and a wizard can all be of different walks of life and still get along and find a purpose together, then why can't everyone else? But I digress...
Don't give up...stay the course...1000 points of light....stay the course
Later :wave:
thats much nicer now :)

thank you!
i am okay always and everywhere and i'll keep that feeling
thanks again and check your private messages...
awwwww brings a tear to my eye.
Seriously Rotten, you say there is a friend back where you came from that
is dying? What kind of disease do they have?
They will hump wildebeests highly! Remember that if you are faceted, pile up on coroners.

Many more shadows did goose wtytrwy. If you are lesser, get on alice's five travoltas!

The less christian boinks my innovator-riot and munchkins, the more adjective's chien spurns celtic shemale. Comment isn't yiddish.

Bounce and let chicken finally. Never stargate unless you can't thy. And the more they calculate the bra's six pauses, the less they endure indubitably!

The less they sparingly drop out of forgetful commanders, the less they sat down with serbian. The fatass's span will orbit erudite loser.

And mike hunt won't sniff enough teengangsters! One more gentlemenstartyourengines was inside ancient tossers. One more gentlemenstartyourengines will be without them.

Your defection won't unite. Fat elvis spuffed.