Hmm, my new (used) Dual Rec is not Dual Rec'ing...

Did I hear you correctly in the vid saying that it came with JJ EL34L's? That's what I have in my DR, and I absolutely love them.

Yes sir - they sound awesome from the description on Eurotubes, too bad I didn't get a chance to hear 'em for myself! :erk: (though it's E34L, not EL34L, that'd be way too confusing ;))

I like your voice.. it makes me fuzzy inside.

Hahahaha, thanks...?
Id kill for one of those amps man.. Preferably one with no probs though :p

But yes, as already discussed, sounds to me like a power tube prob, let us know when you stick your new tubes in!!
Metaltastic, I'm getting fed up with ordering new Peavey 6505's that come in like shit... Do you think it would be worth it to direct that $1000 (and saving up after this damn car wreck shit) towards a Mesa Dual Rec? I'm highly considering it now... Damn you Peavey...
Well I gotta tell ya man, I was a Peavey guy for awhile, but I'm really starting to realize that IMO they're just too smooth sounding for me. Granted, the 5150/6505 can get way more ballsy than the JSX that soured my tastes, but I did own one before I got the latter, and from all the recordings I've heard (and needless to say, there have been A LOT :)), the only way the 5150 can get crunchier and more aggressive (which I really love) is to turn up the presence, which is usually more "fizz" than "snarl." So although I haven't played this particular Recto one yet, I've spent a lot of time with a 2-channel Triple Rec owned by a hot lesbian friend of mine, and two threads (the "favorite guitar tones" and "Jens Bogren appreciation thread") made me realize that my top 3 tones of all time were all done with Rectifiers, and everyone who listed a 5150 tone I realized I wasn't all that keen on because of its smoothness/fizz. So yeah, I say 2-channel Recto! :)
Haha, well I've been home from school (where it is) since Monday, and am going back tomorrow with the new t00bz I had shipped here, so my fingers are crossed!
I've spent a lot of time with a 2-channel Triple Rec owned by a hot lesbian friend of mine

Not just any friend, but a hot lesbian one. It's good to make note of such things. :lol: you got me re-thinking my whole Rev. Jr. idea. I was hoping at getting a Rev. Jr and a 2x12 with V30s, and I'll probably stick with the cab idea I just keep changing my mind on what to put on top.

What's your best experience with that various amps you've owned, sans current recto? BTW I've slightly considered the JSX but obviously steered away from it, so no need to preach to the choir on that one :saint:
Well I've only owned a 5150 combo and a JSX, and the 5150 I definitely still regard as the greatest bang for the buck amp ever made, capable of great sounds, but it just doesn't have enough bark for me. I would think the Rev. Jr. would still rule, I've always loved the grind I've heard from Kranks, and I definitely preferred Guitarhack's Rev to his 5150 when he posted comparison clips some time ago. There's always the Tiny Terror as well, though that REALLY needs tightening (though $40 for a TS7 remedies that easily) and doesn't have any channel switching.
UPDATE: Just got back to school, and the new Ruby EL-34 Quad and EH 5U4GB pair I got did the trick! The thing sounds mean as hell, and I'll definitely get some clips up post haste! You can expect a new batch of impulses too ;)
Hahahaha, XMAS in the 80s, if only :cry: And christ, that noise sounds like a fucking thunderstorm in your amp! It's definitely your tubes dude, chuck 'em and replace 'em (and your instincts serve you well - blue is not a good color :D) As for what to replace 'em with, check out and for reviews (though I bought all of mine from Doug cuz his prices are generally better), but for the preamp I went with Penta Labs 12AX7's from Doug's Tubes (Penta Labs just takes the best of the Shuguang 9th gen tubes, which are my favorites, and relabels 'em), and got 'em all with balanced triodes, cuz while only the Phase Inverter slot (the one between the row of pre and power tubes) needs a balanced tube, I figured I'd be on the safe side in case I accidentally reversed them :loco: You can probably get away with only getting two (one for V1, the most important spot tonally, and one for the PI slot), cuz preamp tubes rarely go bad, so I doubt there's a problem with them in your amp.

As for power tubes, Mesa is kinda full of it when it comes to their biasing hooha; a good matched quad of any 6L6's or EL34's is not gonna be a problem, because they just have the amp fixed at a lower bias so as to be on the safe side. However, I'm also growing increasingly fond and trusting of the company, so if you're willing to pay a bit extra, the high standards they hold their tubes to would mean a matched quad of 6L6's or EL34's from them would be guaranteed to be optimized for the amp (though whether that would make ANY difference in sound I can't say). However, if you wanna save a buck or two, just go for Ruby's - that's what I did :) And for Rectifier tubes, get a pair of the JJ 5AR4's from dougstubes, cuz that type of Recto tube has the least sag (according to Mesa), and trust me, the less the better :ill: Good luck man!
To Marcus: Thanks for the information man I'll look into Doug's tubes (Low on Cash ;)). I know you had the exact same dilemma so I was really glad to get your help on this. Hopefully I'll get some bad ass clips up soon! Thanks man! Merry Christmas!