Mesa Dual Rec.. need new tubes!


May 20, 2006
Katy, Texas
alright ive had my dual rec for coming up to about 2 years now so i probably need to change the tubes out.. i dont wanna get the same stock tubes and i have no idea about anything when it comes to tubes so any suggestions on what after market tubes sound good?

also is changing tubes out just a matter off pulling the tube up and out of the plug thing and putting the new one in?

Their high-gain set with 6L6GC is great. Also did the rectifier upgarde and it cleaned up the mush!
I just recently got a rackmount dual rec with JJ 6L6's that are from Erotubes and I couldn't be more pleased. Gone is the fizzy high end that always seemed impossible to dial out. The Eurotubes guy is very helpful and easy to deal with. I have the high gain package installed. I hope this helps.