
Oct 13, 2003
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Just had to say this, I just read the member bios on the site, and to my pleasure I found that Anders' fave TV-show is Nalles Show ;P
... Nalle (the showhost) used to be the librarian at my school just before the show stopped airing! woohoo! :]~~~~

then the actual reason i post here. I read about the manifest-awards thing, and I was all excited, until... i read its on held in Debaser where I cant get in cause Im not 18 :yell: makes me soooooo fucking mad, plus the last time Katatonia played in Stockholm (that i know of) it was also in Debaser :( missed 2 chances to see them now because of that, getting tired of it..

i really hope that when they tour they will play on some proper arena or something, so i wont have to get all worked up then disappointed again :(

peace out.

ps. this forum is in desperate need of angry-smileys [o_O]
Can´t you go there accompanied by one of your parents or by a person in age? Or do they actually check your identity card? Will Katatonia play something or are they there only to get the award?
no, i have written angry e-mails asking if i can go with my brother or something (who is 23) but they wont seem to allow it...

and i dont know if they'll play... would be cool :) that is if i could go... which i cant