
Unfortunately I've only heard some of the songs off that cd. I suppose I should stop being a tight wad and go buy it. Everyone tells me it kicks ass. Just out of random curiosity, has anyone here ever watched Dethklok Metalocolypse??? I love that show. Dethklok is GOD!!!:notworthy
Blue_Jay said:
I go on and on when you talk to me about In Flames. Cradle Of Filth I never listened to yet. Matter of fact the only black metal band I have listened to so far is Dimmu Borgir. I should check out Cradle Of Filth next then I guess rofl. I did listen to two songs from Cradle Of Filth. One was Hallowed Be Thy Name which I loved. The other I forgot about. Lets just say I loved both.

COF aren't really Black Metal or not anymore at least.. perhaps their first 2 albums but thats about it.... and Hallowed Be Thy Name is not a very original song title considering Iron Maiden came out with that on their Number of the Beast album back in 1983 unless COF did a cover of the Maiden song and if so then perhaps you should get some maiden albums from the 80's if you like that song... as for Dimmu.. I like them alot but they also aren't considered BM anymore except for their first few albums like Stormblast... my favorite by them is PEM ... if you like Dimmu Borgir then you'll like Old Man's Child.. get their In Defiance of Existence album.. clearly their best... below are Black metal bands you should listen to or try out first..

Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk

Immortal - All their albums

Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger (not crazy about their other albums but you might want to try A Blaze in Northern Sky as well )

Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

Satyricon - any of their albums though i like Volcano best and they have a new one out

Burzum - first 3 or four albums.. start with Aske

1349 - all their albums

Bathory - all their albums up to Nordland II but if you want strictly Black metal then get from their debut to Born under the sign of the Black Mark