Industrial, anyone?


i just took a shit
Oct 8, 2002
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i fucking love industrial.... my favorite industrial groups are:

Apoptygma Berzerk
Front Line Assembly
Funker Vogt
VNV Nation
Nine Inch Nails
Einsturzende Neubauten


my favorites are definitely Rammstein and KMFDM (as you can see- my avatar is Till from Rammstein and my signature is kmfdm quote....)

anyone else listen to this kinda shit?
hrmm Zeromancer, Covenant and Kovenant? rammstein is ok

can you make any good song suggestions for me?

You should download some Zeromancer or Covenant and kovenant, maybe you would like it

Zeromancer- Clone your lover, Dr. Online, Eurotrash

Kovenant- In the name of the future, new world order, spaceman, jihad (more of a metal/industrial I guess, I love them)

Covenant was Kovenant the more metal type band, but they changed their name because the band already with that name called Covenant, they are I guess industrial type techno.....get some stuff from them......

lemme know what you think
I went to a record store the other day and was pissed for I was broke the same day someone must have turned in their whole KMFDM collection. All were like $6.99--there were about 15 (some were singles). I have Nihil & Angst & have always wanted more. Has anyone heard their new one "Attak"? I also have all the "halos" from NIN.:flame:
Originally posted by SoulVomitor
I went to a record store the other day and was pissed for I was broke the same day someone must have turned in their whole KMFDM collection. All were like $6.99--there were about 15 (some were singles). I have Nihil & Angst & have always wanted more. Has anyone heard their new one "Attak"? I also have all the "halos" from NIN.:flame:

yeah, thats too bad you were outta cash. i bought about half of their cd's over the past few years, then i bought the remaining 6 or 7 albums of theirs in moscow for about 99 cents each.

as for attak, its definitely one of my favorites. i can never decide which i like the most out of Nihil, Attak, or the mdfmk album (which i consider to be kmfdm). i STRONGLY recommend you buy attak, adios, symbols (its not actually called that, it just has a bunch of symbols instead of a title) and the mdfmk album. although you might be surprised.... angst and nihil are without a doubt their most metal albums. the electronic element has become much more predominent since those days, so symbols and adios might strike you as drastically different from those two albums. attak and mdfmk are very raw industrial metal. also things have really changed since Tim Skold joined. he's got a great voice and he sings on a lot of the more recent songs. too bad he left the band to play bass for manson....

anyway, i'm ranting. the point is, definitely buy ATTAK and the other albums i mentioned.

also, i never understood why the nine inch nails albums are referred to as "halos". wanna explain this to me????

AFSilverstar: i checked out kovenant... they fuckin rock!
Originally posted by AFSilverstar
hrmm Zeromancer, Covenant and Kovenant? rammstein is ok

can you make any good song suggestions for me?

You should download some Zeromancer or Covenant and kovenant, maybe you would like it

Zeromancer- Clone your lover, Dr. Online, Eurotrash

Kovenant- In the name of the future, new world order, spaceman, jihad (more of a metal/industrial I guess, I love them)

Covenant was Kovenant the more metal type band, but they changed their name because the band already with that name called Covenant, they are I guess industrial type techno.....get some stuff from them......

lemme know what you think

hey, have they broken up or something? their website hasn't been updated since 2000, and right now its just a list of their tour dates for that year with a message that says "site under contruction"...
Originally posted by Vladd
hey, have they broken up or something? their website hasn't been updated since 2000, and right now its just a list of their tour dates for that year with a message that says "site under contruction"...

glad to see you like them, but I think they are coming out with a new album soon, and their original site got hacked or something like that? They havent been very active recently......thats Kovenant your talking about right? check out Zeromancer also

got any good suggestions for music similar
Thanx 4 all the info, Vladd!!!:rock:

As for the halo thing--I have no clue---maybe just a cutsy gimmick to make everyone want to buy them all. Or so you know they were issued by him (who knows). Any opinions on XTORT?

Also, are you a Ministry fan??:flame:
Originally posted by Mister Nobody
How about Throbbing Gristle, NON, Whitehouse, Psychic TV?

Y'know, actual industrial, not industrial rock.

throbbing gristle is ok, Einsturzende Neubauten is pretty sweet, but in general i don't like that kinda shit as much as industrial rock or industrial techno.

by the way i'd just like to say that the last thing i want is an argument over what industrial is.....

and yes, Apoptygma Berzerk's cover of "Fade to Black" definitely rocks....
Originally posted by SoulVomitor
Thanx 4 all the info, Vladd!!!:rock:

As for the halo thing--I have no clue---maybe just a cutsy gimmick to make everyone want to buy them all. Or so you know they were issued by him (who knows). Any opinions on XTORT?

Also, are you a Ministry fan??:flame:

when you say XTORT you're referring to the KMFDM album? cuz that album is pretty good, but not great. its got some awesome songs on it (apathy, dogma, inane, son of a gun, wrath) but the other half i just don't really like. if you're gonna buy kmfdm, go for attak, nihil, angst and mdfmk, and if that shit grows on you, check out symbols and adios.

Has anybody heard of a band called Skrew? I used to listen to 'em quite a lot, but not lately, really. Maybe five/four years (!) ago I bought their latest (well, latest then, atleast) album, which I didn't like at all. Sounded like they tried to follow the Marilyn Manson boat. Since then I haven't heard about 'em. You people should try them, pretty interesting stuff, though the vocals ain't that great.

Hmm. Maybe I should give 'em a spin again and try the newest album.